Accrual Method

Accrual Method

This section allows administrators to assign specific Accrual Methods to individual employee records. An Accrual Method can only be assigned on an employee level if the Assign Level field is set to "Employee" during the Leave Method setup under Leave Management section of the application.

To assign an Accrual Method to a user, first make sure to create an Accrual Method under Leave Management section of the application. Then proceed with the steps below:

  1. From Admin menu expand the Organization → Employee 
  2. Select an employee
  3. On the bottom windowpane select the Accrual Method tab (Make sure access to this tab is enabled through Security → Role Manager)
  4. Click the Add button 
  5. Fill out the fields as follow:
    1. Method*Select a Leave Method to be assigned to the selected user from drop down list of previously created methods
    2. Effective Date*Select a timesheet period start date as of which the accrual method becomes effective
    3. Active: This field will be checked by default. If you want to make an accrual method inactive, the box will need to be unchecked
  6. Click Save to save the data.

Please note that only one method for the same time code group can be assigned to a user with the same effective date. 

If a user is included in another Global Accrual Method, the accrual method assignment on the employee level overrides the global option.

* Indicates a required field

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