WBS Assignment

WBS Assignment

Once the WBS has been created, different levels of the WBS can be assigned to specific operating units, departments, employees, time codes and functions. WBS assignments can also be limited to certain date ranges. Specific WBS assignments will have the effect of limiting time and expense entry to the particular WBS only if those WBS levels have Yes selected in the WBS's setup Restrict Access field.

Keep in mind that if certain employees are going to be assigned at lower levels of the WBS, they must have access to all the upper levels of the WBS. For example, if all levels of a four-level WBS are restricted, for an employee to be able to charge at level 4, he must also be able to access levels 3, 2 and 1. Administrators should consider at which level(s) restrictions and assignments should be made in order to best reflect company business practices.

In Admin, any level of a WBS can be assigned to in two ways. The simplest (and recommended) is to begin at the appropriate WBS level under WBS Setup. Making assignments to any level of the WBS follows the same process.

To assign WBSs to OBSs:

  1. Expand WBS by clicking on the plus sign.
  2. Click the WBS level to which you would like to set up an assignment.
  3. Search for the WBS code using the filter  icon on the right. Once WBS code is found, select the record.
  4. Click the Assignment tab
  5. Click the Add button in the WBS Assignment tab.
  6. Create the assignment based on any of the OBS fields below. Click in the field and use the drop-down box to make your selection.
    1. Operating Unit
    2. Department
    3. Time Code
    4. Employee ID
    5. Function
    6. Vendor
    7. Start Date
    8. End Date
    9. Field Name - this is used in case any additional fields have been added to an employee record that are not in the list of standard fields, and the assignments need to be setup based on those fields.
    10. Value - an actual value of the additional field that needs to be assigned.
  7. Click the Save 
  • If the assignment is to begin on a specific date, or end on a specific date, or apply only during a specific date range, select the appropriate Start Date and/or End Date by clicking the calendar icon, or by keying in the date.
  • All OBS levels selected in a single assignment process must be consistent. If one Operating Unit is selected, the assigned Department must be within that Operating Unit. If a Department is selected, selected Employees must be from within that Department.
  • To have more than one choice (e.g. two departments), repeat the selection process.

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