Override Setting (V8.3 and Higher)

Override Setting (V8.3 and Higher)

This function allows administrators to override the standard working hours and the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) flag defined in the Location and Employee Type fields assigned to an employee. This can be used in the exception cases where an employee belongs to a certain Location or an employee type group but has different standard working hours per day or full time equivalent than defined for the Location or the corresponding employee type group and where creating a new Location or a new Employee Type group is not feasible or not worth it for a single exception.

A Location field defines daily standard working hours in the home location of a user. An example could be 8 hours, 7 hour, 6.5 hours per day

An Employee Type defines user’s FTE (Full Time Equivalent) or what percentage of the daily standard working hours is a user required to work. So if the daily standard working hours for a user location is 8 and the user’s FTE is 0.5, this means user is part time and is only required to work 8 x 0.5=4 hours.

The combination of these fields will also drive policies related to minimum standard working hours requirement, accrual proration and other areas where the hours may be prorated based on the user’s FTE.

The Override Setting allows overriding these Location and Employee Type settings on an exception case bases without impacting the rest of the users in the same Location or Employee Type Groups.

To enable the Override Setting tab on an employee record:

  1. From Administrator menu expand the Security → Role Manager links

  2. Select an administrator role that should have access to this function by checking the checkbox on the left of the role

  3. In the bottom window pane click on the Accesses tab

  4. Click Add

  5. In the Access Select pop-up window find and select the following option under the Organization group name Organization Employee Override Setting


  1. Click Ok to copy the selection


Once the Override Setting field has been added to the security access rights, it will appear in Admin menu Organization → Employee record screen. You may need to close the admin window and re-open it again if it does not appear.



To use the Override Setting to change an employee FTE or the Standard working hours

  1. From the Administrator menu expand the Organization → Employee links

  2. Search and select an employee record you would like to change the settings for

  3. in the bottom window pane in the employee setup screen click on the Override Setting tab

  4. Click Add

  5. Select the fields as applicable

Field Name

Field Value

Field Description

Field Name

Field Value

Field Description

Override Option



Employee Type FTE

Select this option to override the FTE flag defined in the Employee Type assigned to the employee and all of the dependent function on the employee type throughout the system

Employee Type FTE for Accrual Only

Select this option to override employee type Full Time Equivalent flag only for accrual calculation purposes, but for the rest of the functions throughout the system the FTE flag defined in the Employee Type assigned to the employee will be used

Location Standard Hours Per Day

Select this option to override the Standard Working Hours per Day defined in the Location field assigned to an employee

Effective Date


Assign an effective date as of which the changes are

Override Value

When Employee Type FTE or Employee Type FTE for Accrual options have been chosen in the Override Option field

Type in the actual Full Time Equivalent value (value form 0 to 1) to override the value in the FTE field defined in the Employee Type assigned to an employee


When Location Standard Hours Per Day option has been chosen in the Override Option field

Type in the actual Standard Working Hours Per Day to override the value defined in the Location assigned to an employee

  1. Click Save to save the changes

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