Leave Balance Screen

Leave Balance Screen

The Leave Balance Screen allows the system administrators to view/adjust the balances available to the users by timesheet period.  This screen also allows tracking the audit trail of the manual adjustments made to the balances by the system admin.

To view employee balances:

  1. On the left side of the screen, click the arrow  to expand the Organization menu.
  2. Click on Employee
  3. Find the employee you want by either:
    1. Entering either their first or last name in the search box at the top next to the filter icon.
    2. Entering search criteria in the Filter on the right-hand side of the screen and click on Apply.
  4. Click on the employee record and click on the Leave Balance tab.
  5. You can filter based on the following fields in the Leave Balance tab.
    1. Time Code Group: A drop-down menu with all the leave time codes that are tracking balances will be available to choose from in the drop-down menu.
    2. Locked: Select from Yes or No.
      1. If locked status is Yes, this means that the period in which the balance is in, can no longer be adjusted.
      2. If locked status is No, this means the leave balance can be adjusted for the period.
    3. Start Date From: Select the period start date you would like to filter from.
    4. End Date To: Select the period start date you would like to filter up to.
  6. Click on Apply to view your results.

The Leave Balance tab displays the following fields:

  1. Period Start Date: Timesheet period start date that the balance is available for
  2. Time Code Group: the time code group ID that the balance applies to
  3. Starting Balance : Starting balance for the specific timesheet period
  4. Adjusted Balance: The number of hours to be added or subtracted from the ending balance. The hours can be positive if trying to add to the balance or negative to subtract from the balance.
  5. Accrued Hours: The number of hours accrued for the selected period
  6. Posted Bank Hours: Bank hours posted for this period if an administrator has specified hours in the Leave Bank screen.
  7. Ending Balance: Ending balance for the selected timesheet period.
  8. Locked: 
    1. If locked status is Yes, this means that the period in which the balance is in, can no longer be adjusted.
    2. If locked status is No, this means the leave balance can be adjusted for the period.

Note: The number of timesheets in unlocked status depends on the number of months specified in the Adjust Accrual Based on Changes parameter of the Update Employee Balances profile

The Leave balance can be adjusted as follows:

Select the timesheet period balance line to adjust. A windowpane on the right will open to allow edits to the line

  1. Enter the number of hours in the Adjust Balance field. Positive if adding and negative if subtracting from the ending balance. The number of hours specified in this field will be added to or subtracted from the Ending Balance
  2. Enter the required notes in the Notes field
  3. Click Save to save the changes

Click on the ending balance value (link) to generate a Leave Balance Report 

Click on Report → Leave Balance Audit to generate the audit report of the manual adjustments made in the employee balance table.

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