

The end users are able to set their system preference by accessing My Preferences from the home page of the application. But occasionally may need assistance from the administrators with setting up these preferences. An administrator is able to update individual user preference from the Administrator tab

Organization → Employee menu links

  1. Select any user record

  2. Press the Preferences tab on the user record




  • Date Format: Users' preferred date format can be set here

  • Number Format: Users' preferred number format can be set here

  • Display WBS &OBS Preference Name then ID: If enabled, this option will display names of the values in the distribution field on top and the ID underneath the name or vice versa.

  • Language: Sets the user’s preferred language if multiple languages have been enabled.


Expense Preferences

  • Default Expense Payment Type: Allows setting the most frequently used payment type if more than one payment type is available.

  • Expense WBS/OBS Height: Allows setting the height of the distribution window on expenses

  • Enable Operating Unit: Enables displaying the Operating Unit field on the distribution if enabled

  • Enable Department: Enables displaying the Department field on the distribution if enabled

  • Unit Type (Mileage or KM): Allows the users to set their preferred unit for mileage

  • Expense Default Expense Code: Allows setting a default expense code on the distribution

  • Default Level 1 Code: Allows setting a default WBS level 1 on the distribution

  • Default Level 2 Code: Allows setting a default WBS level 2 on the distribution

  • Expense Approval Detail Preview: Enables viewing an expense report in the preview screen from the expense list page


Time Preferences

  • Default Time Code: Allows setting default time code on a line, so the time code is pre-populated any time a new line is added

  • Enable Time Attendance: Enables time attendance icon within a timesheet

  • Auto Scroll to todays date in Timesheet: allows jumping to today’s date in case a timesheet period is long and requires using a scroll bar.

  • Auto Populate Notes from favorites: If the notes have been added to the line in the favorites template, the notes would be copied into the timesheet lines copied from the Favorites.

  • Set Auto-fill favorites on Release On: If enabled the line items from the current timesheet would be copied into the Favorites once the timesheet is released for approval.

  • Enable Timesheet line ascending sort: Enables sorting timesheet lines in ascending order

  • Auto Clock Out after Number of Hours: Allows automatically ending the time clock session after the specified number of hours (a corresponding job needs to be scheduled through admin)

  • Auto Prompt Daily Notes: If enabled will remind a user to enter daily notes

  • My Day Starts At: Allows setting the starting time for the Time In/Tim Out entry mode, the drop down list of hours would start from the time specified in this preference. The earliest time a user would typically start the day, so they do not have to scroll through the hours that are never selected.

  • My Day Ends at: Allows setting the ending time for the Time In/Tim Out entry mode, the drop down list of hours would end at the time specified in this preference.

  • Display Time In and Out AM/PM: Allows selecting a time preference for Time In/Time out entry method: AM/PM or the Military Time

  • Enable Operating Unit: Enables displaying the Operating Unit field on the distribution if enabled

  • Enable Department: Enables displaying the Department field on the distribution if enabled

  • Enable Function: Enables displaying the Function field on the distribution if enabled

  • Enable Location: Enables displaying the Location field on the distribution if enabled

  • Enable Billable Field: Enables displaying the Billable field to show total billable hours

  • Time Approval Detail Preview: Enables viewing a timesheet in the preview screen from the timesheet list page