Level 1 Setup

Level 1 Setup

To create a WBS Level 1:

  1. Expand WBS by clicking on the arrow .
  2. Click on Level1
  3. Click on Add
    1. Level1 Code* - Enter in a unique identifier for the Level1 ID. This field is limited to 20 characters.
    2. Main WBS* - Select a Main WBS in the drop-down menu
    3. Name* - Enter a name to identify Level 1. This field is limited to 100 characters.
    4. Level1 Type* - Select a WBS type in the drop-down menu
    5. Level1 Flag* - Select a WBS flag in the drop-down menu
    6. Restrict Access* - (See WBS Assignment below)
      • Yes - To restrict charging time and expenses to this WBS level to only employees specifically assigned to it.
      • No - All employees to be permitted to charge time and/or expenses to this WBS level.
    7. Billable* - Select one of the options below:
      • Yes if this WBS level is billable.
      • No if this WBS level is not billable.
    8. Operating Unit* - Select an Operating Unit in the drop-down menu to assign a home Operating Unit to the selected record
    9. Department - Select a department in the drop-down menu to assign a home Department to the selected record
    10. Currency* - Select a currency in the drop-down menu to assign a home currency to the selected record
    11. Allow Entry * - Select one of the following options
      • Time/Expense - If both time and expenses can be charged to this level 1.
      • Expense Entry - If only expenses can be charged to this level 1.
      • Time Entry - If only time can be charged to this level 1. 
    12. Required Next* 
      • Require next for Expense Only - if the next WBS level is required for expense only
      • Not Required - if the next WBS level is not required but can be optional
      • Require next for Time Only - if the next WBS level is required for time only
      • Require next for both time and expense - if the next WBS level is required for both time and expense
    13. Available Next*
      • Available next for Expense only - if the next WBS level is available to choose for expense only
      • Not available for Next Level - if the next WBS level is not available 
      • Available next for Time Only - if the next WBS level is available to choose for time only
      • Available next for both time and expense - if the next WBS level is available to choose for both time and expense
    14. Open Date - Click on the calendar icon or key in the date on which employees may begin entering time and/or expenses against the WBS Level. The WBS Level will not be available for selection during Time/Expense entry prior to the date in this field. If this field is left blank, the WBS Level is available after it has been saved to the database.
    15. Close Date - Click on the calendar icon or key in the date after which employees may no longer enter time and/or expenses against the level 1. The level 1 will not be available for selection during Time/Expense entry after this date. If this field is left blank, the WBS Level is available indefinitely, so long as it remains active.
    16. Explanation* - Select if an explanation is required or optional (this option is only for Time). If an explanation is required for the project, all the tasks under the project should also require explanation. 
    17. Restrict Function* 
      • Both WBS and Global Function - This allows you to see functions set up on both OBS and WBS level
      • Global Only - This will only allow you to view the functions set up on the OBS level
      • Restricted to only WBS Function - This will only allow you to view the functions set up on the WBS level
    18. Description - Enter a description for this WBS Level 1.
  4. Click the Save 

* Indicates a required field

Additional Information:

Once a WBS level 1 record is set up in the system, the following options become available:

  1. Level 1 Approval
  2. WBS Assignment

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