Apply Advances or Pre-Paid Transactions

Apply Advances or Pre-Paid Transactions

An Advance is an amount paid to a user in advance of a travel or before an actual expense takes place.

A prepaid charge is a charge that has already been paid for in advance. For example an airfare that was purchased prior to the travel, was expensed prior to the travel, but needs to be reported on a report at the time of the travel to reconcile against the prepayment.

In both cases an advance and/or a prepaid charge will be available to the user and must be applied when submitting an expense report. 

Included below are the steps, how to apply an advance and prepaid charge to an expense report:


  • Advances that have been approved will be available to add to a report.
  • Start a new expense report, and add all applicable expense line items and receipts first.
  • Before submitting a report for approval click on the Advance  tab on the left hand side of the report.

  • Click on Apply on the advance line you would like to use.
  • The advance will be fully or partially applied as set up by the administrator.
    • Fully Applied: The entire advance will be applied to the report. If the reimbursable amount is less than the advance, a balance back to the company may be created.
    • Partially Applied: The advance will be applied up to the reimbursable amount. If the reimbursable amount is less than the advance, the remaining advance will remain in your bin to be applied to future expense reports.
  • To unapply an applied advance, click the Unapply.. The option to Unapply will only be available if an advance is already applied to a report.
  • The paid advance amount will be deducted from the total reimbursable charges on an expense report to balance out the amount that was paid in advance.

Pre-Paid Transactions

Apply Pre-Paid Transaction

  • Pre-paid transactions that have been approved will be available to add to a report.
  • Start a new expense report, and add all applicable expense line items and receipts first.
  • Before submitting a report for approval click on the Advance  tab on the left hand side of the report.

  • Click on Apply on the prepaid transaction you would like to use.
  • In the Apply Prepaid Expense pop up window enter:
    • Date: The date of travel.
    • Currency: The currency of the prepaid charge.
    • Total Amount: The amount is pre-filled. However, if the amount changed (e.g. An airline ticket was exchanged), enter the new amount.
    • Note: Enter any optional notes.

  • Click the Apply 
  • To unapply an applied the pre-paid, click on Unapply. The option to unapply a prepaid charge will only be available if the prepaid charge has already been applied to a report.

Cancel a Pre-Paid Transaction

If a pre-paid transaction is no longer applicable (e.g. a pre-paid airline ticket was cancelled), you may cancel the transaction during the submission process.

  • Click on Cancelled for the pre-paid transaction you would like to cancel.

  • In the Cancel Prepaid Expense pop up window enter:
    • Date: The date the expense was cancelled
    • Currency: Confirm the currency of the expense
    • Total Amount: Confirm that the amount has not changed
    • Note: Enter a required note explaining why this transaction is being cancelled
  • Click the Apply button.
  • The transaction will be removed from your bin.

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