Change Expense Type

Change Expense Type

User/Proxy/Approver may want to update the expense type once the expense has been saved. It could be that the incorrect expense type was chosen for the expense. We made the process easier to update the expense type. 

How to Change the Expense Type on the Desktop: 

Scenario: I created an expense for "Gas" as the expense type and I meant for the expense type to be "Donation." By using the Change Expense Type option to change the expense type, this can be accomplished without deleting the expense and having to start over.

  1. Click on Expense on the top navigation bar.
  2. Select an expense report.
  3. Select the expense you want to change.
    For this example, the existing expense is ‘Gas’
  4. Click on the menu  icon.
  5. Click Change Expense Type.
  6. Choose the expense type you want to change to.
    For this example, the new expense type is ‘Donation’
  7. Select Yes to change the expense type. 

    **Please note that you can only use the Choose Expense Type option for the format type of Other. Expenses set up as a fixed rate (mileage) or per diem will not have this option available.**

How to Change the Expense Type on Mobile:

  1. Scroll to My Expenses on the home page.
  2. Select an expense report.
  3. Select the edit icon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  4. Select the expense you want to change.
  5. Swipe to the left to see additional menu options.
  6. Click on Change Expense Type.
  7. Choose a new expense type from the drop in field *To.
  8. Click on Change to change the expense type.


**Please note that you can only use the Choose Expense Type option for the format type of Other. Expenses set up as a fixed rate (mileage) or per diem will not have this option available.**

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