Move Charges to Report
Users, Proxies and Approvers may have the ability to move an expense(s) from an existing report to a new report. This will allow the rest of the report to be approved and processed.
Note: The ability to move charges to a new report is not enabled by default.
- Move Charges access must be added to the T&E Access by an Admin.
- Proxies and Approvers must have modify access to move charges from report.
- To access the Move Charges to Report option access the report by clicking on the report ID.
- Click on Actions Icon
- Click on Move Charges to Report
4. A wizard will appear. Check the box next to the charge(s) you would like to move and click Next.
5. In this next step you will select which report the charge(s) will move to. In most cases this will go a new report.
Select an expense report - This will almost always be 'Create New Expense Report'. The only time you will have an option to choose another report is if a new report was previously created via the move charges wizard.
Example: If an expense was moved from report 13481 to newly created report 13482. Later another expense from report 13481 needs to be moved, in this case report 13482 will be available in the 'Select an expense report' drop down.
NOTE: Only one report can be linked to the new report that will be placed on hold. <Report 13481 can only contain expenses moved from report 13482>
- New Report Title - This will default to the current reports title.
NOTE: The following options 'To' and 'Message' are only available if the charges are moved by a Proxy or Approver
- To - This will default to the report owner. By default, the 'Send Email' option is checked. This will send an email to the user with the message in the next field.
- Message - Enter in a message to the user to notify them that expense(s) have been moved and the reason why.
6. Click on Next.
7. Charges will be moved to the new report. If the charges were moved by Proxy or Approver a message tag will be created to show which charge(s) where moved. The new report number will be provided in the message.
8. Click Finish.
9. In the original report the moved transaction(s) will no longer show.
In the report owner will have a notification stating that the following expenses have been moved. In the report owner's expenses list, there a new report will show with a status of 'Draft'. The original report will also be linked.
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