Credit Card Charges

Credit Card Charges

The credit card charges screen lists all of the credit card transactions that are linked to your corporate credit card(s) and if your company has enabled the daily corporate card transaction import into DATABASICS system. The transactions can be applied to expense reports from this screen. 

There are a few methods of accessing and applying the credit card transactions to an expense reports:

  • Via Credit Card Express screen
  • From Expense tab Credit Card Charges link on top of the expense report list.

  • Or from Expense tab, start to Create a New Report

Once the expense cover page is completed, from the expense detail screen, click on the credit card icon on the navigation pane on the left of the screen

From the credit card transactions screen, you will be able to see the following options for each transaction:

  • Apply: Applies transaction to the expense report. If the transaction has a default expense type mapped, it will be applied to an expense report with this default expense. Otherwise you will be prompted to select an expense type.
  • Apply As: Allows users to select an expense type before applying a charge.
  • Itemize: Allows the user to itemize the transaction over several types of expenses. As an example hotel transaction.
  • Personal/Delete/ : Marks the charge as a personal transaction and permanently removes it from the list. The user will be responsible for any personal charges.

Note: Depending on the credit card or the type of transaction, some options may be disabled.

To Apply A Credit Card Transaction:

  1. Click on the Credit Card Charges tab on the left hand side within the expense report.
  2. Click on Apply
  3. Once you click Apply, a split screen will appear and the transaction details will be displayed. 
  4. Select the expense type and fill in any required fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.
  5. The system pulls the date from the transaction automatically
  6. Verify that the charges are allotted across the fields correctly (Business, Personal, Alcohol, etc.)
  7. Click Save to save.

The credit card charges screen lists all of the credit card transactions that are linked to your corporate credit card(s) and if your company has enabled the daily corporate card transaction import into DATABASICS system. The transactions can be applied to expense reports from this screen. 

There are a few methods of accessing and applying the credit card transactions to an expense reports:

  • Via Credit Card Express screen
  • From Expense tab Credit Card Charges link on top of the expense report list.

  • Or from Expense tab, start to Create a New Report

Once the expense cover page is completed, from the expense detail screen, click on the credit card icon on the navigation pane on the left of the screen

From the credit card transactions screen, you will be able to see the following options for each transaction:

  • Apply: Applies transaction to the expense report. If the transaction has a default expense type mapped, it will be applied to an expense report with this default expense. Otherwise you will be prompted to select an expense type.
  • Apply As: Allows users to select an expense type before applying a charge.
  • Itemize: Allows the user to itemize the transaction over several types of expenses. As an example hotel transaction.
  • Personal/Delete/ : Marks the charge as a personal transaction and permanently removes it from the list. The user will be responsible for any personal charges.

Note: Depending on the credit card or the type of transaction, some options may be disabled.

To Unapply A Credit Card Transaction:

If a user chooses the wrong transaction and it is already applied to an expense report, the line can be deleted from the expense report, in which case the transaction will go back to the unapplied credit card charges list. Or from the credit card charges list click on the Unapply link next to that charge to remove it from the expense report and return it to the credit card bin.

To Itemize A Credit Card Transaction:

  1. Click on the Credit Card Charges tab on the left hand side within the expense report.
  2. Click on Itemize to itemize the charge selected (note: Itemize is only available when itemization is an option on the expense type).
  3. Once you click Itemize, a separate itemization screen will pop-up
  4. Once you get to this screen, you can start by uploading a receipt, then click on Start
  5. In the next screen select an expense type to map a part of your itemized charge to, enter the amount, date range and other required fields as applicable, press Next
  6. If the attendee information is required, add the attendees and press Next. Notice when you click Next, the "Total Remaining:" is updated to show you how much of the original amount is left over to itemize. This will also show you if you go over the amount by displaying a negative number.
  7. Click ADD ITEMZED TO EXPENSES and repeat the steps above for the additional expense types
  8. Once you are done itemizing and the Total Remaining amount is 0, click on Finish on the top right hand corner of the screen.

The expense report can not be submitted if the amount itemized is different from the original transaction amount.

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