Import WBS Distribution

Import WBS Distribution

If you have multiple distributions and would like to load them into the application, you have the ability to upload WBS Distribution from a CSV/Excel file for a expense report and or charge.

Importing WBS Distribution 

  1. Either on the Cover Page or Expense line on the distribution you should see an option IMPORT.

  2.  The pop up window, as shown below, will be generated
  3. A template is available to download and save. Click on TEMPLATE.
  4. Fill in only the fields that are required for your configuration. All fields do not need to be completed.

       5. Once the template is completed, save the file to your desktop. 

       6. From the screen 'Import From File' screen, click on the computer icon.

       7.  Search your desktop for the template you saved and click Open.

       8. If you want to replace the default distribution with what is in the template, make sure to check the box next to Delete current distributions.

     9. Click on Import.

    10. The distribution will be updated based on your entry. 

    11. Click on Create Report to begin adding expenses to your report.

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