Additional Fields (Time)

Additional Fields setup for time is used to create labels and drop down groups for timesheet note setup under Notes Purpose section. Once a label and/or a group is created it can be assigned to a timesheet Notes Purpose with the format type of Drop Down  or multiple labels and groups can be assigned to a timesheet Notes Purpose with the format type of Additional Fields with a combination of different formats.

To Create a Field Label

  1. Expand Time menu
  2. Expand Additional Fields
  3. Click on Field Labels
  4. Click the Add button  in the toolbar
  5. Define the field* in the New Field Labels box
  6. Click Save

To Create a Field Group

  1. Expand Time menu by clicking on the arrow .
  2. Expand Additional Fields by clicking on the arrow .
  3. Click on Field Group
  4. Click the Add button  in the toolbar.
    1. Group ID* - Enter in the ID for the group
    2. Name* - Enter in a name that will display when assigning a group to a Notes Purpose.
  5. Click Save

To Create Group Details

  1. Once the field group is created, there will be a Group Details tab. This is where you will create the values for the drop-down value.
  2. Click the Add button  in the toolbar.
    • Field Code* - Enter in an ID for the field
    • Name* - Enter in a name will display in the drop-down list
    • Description - For administrator description purpose only
    • Active - Defines if the field is available for viewing/selection to the user
  3. Click Save

For instructions on how to link a group to a timesheet field note see Notes Purpose

* Indicates a required field