Time Clock

Time Clock

Timesheet Clock In and Clock Out option, if enabled, allows users to clock into their timesheet upon the start of the business day and clock out at the end of the day. As a result, system calculates the total number of hours worked. The hours along with the actual Clock In and Clock Out times are recorded on the timesheet. Restrictions and rules can be set up around the Clock In and Clock out for one to many GPS locations, IP addresses and devices to allow companies to better control the clock in time and location in case mobile devices are being used.

To configure and enable the Time Clock module the following configuration must be completed:Enable Clock In Clock Out 

  1. Expand Organization by clicking on the plus sign.
  2. Click on Reporting Period 
  3. If a new reporting period has to be created, click the Add button to add a new record.
  4. Reporting Period Entry Format must be set to “Hours”.

Assign access to time clock for users

  1. Expand Security by clicking on the plus sign.
  2. Click on T&E Access
  3. Select a T&E Access
  4. Click on Assign Access tab for each corresponding T&E Access Role
  5. Click the Add button to add one of the following access rights:
    1. Enable Time Clock in Replace Activity-User Ability to Modify Clock In Activity-  This option must be used in combination with one of the options: "Enable Time Clock In/Out-Disable timesheet edit" or "Enable Time Clock In/Out-Enable full timesheet edit". It allows users to change the timesheet WBS or OBS distribution while the user is clocked in.
    2. Enable Time Clock In/Out-Enable full timesheet edit - User can clock in and clock out as well as have access to the timesheet. This option allows the timesheet owner to submit their timesheet.
    3. Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit- Approver Ability to Modify Clock In/Out Only - allows an approver to modify the clock in/out details on the timesheet, without the ability to change the other details on the timesheet.
    4. Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit – Approver Ability to Modify Clock in/Out and full access- allows an approver to modify the clock in/out details on the timesheet, as well as make edits to the other details on a timesheet.
    5. Disable Time Clock In/Out- Disable Mobile Clock In/Out Only - Disables time clock on the mobile app.
    6. Enable Time Clock In/Out-Disable timesheet edit -  Users can ONLY Clock In/Out. User can not access their timesheet or submit their timesheet.
    7. Enable Time Clock In/Out-Enable PTO/Holiday row edit - worked time can only be entered via time clock, but the time off can be entered and edited on a timesheet.
    8. Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit-Proxy Ability to Modify Clock In/Out Only - Proxy users can modify clock in/out entries, but not the timesheet.
    9. Enable Time Clock In./Out Edit – Proxy Ability to Modify Clock In/Out end full access - allows a proxy used to modify the clock in/out details on the timesheet, as well as make edits to the other details on a timesheet.
  1. Click OK

Set up and schedule

  1. Expand Data Piping by clicking on the plus sign.
  2. Click on All Profile Task
  3. Click Add to create a profile for Time In & Out
    1. Name* - Enter in a name for the profile like below
    2. Profile Type* - Select "Time In & Out Profile Auto Checkout"
    3. Description  - Enter in a description for the profile (Optional)
  4. Click Save
  5. If you would like to schedule this profile, click the Job Schedule tab and set up the schedule. If this job is scheduled, it will automatically clock out the user after the number of hours defined in the "Auto Clock Out after Number of Hours" field in the T&E Preferences per below.

* Indicates a required field


Set up System Options

  1. Expand Options → T&E Settings → T&E Options
  2. Open the Time - Enable Other Options option. 
  3. In the Clock In/Out Routing option select one of the options:
    1. "Round Hours after the Clock is rounded to 7 minute"
    2. "Round Hours to the 7minute"
    3. "Round Up"
  4. In the Admin Clock Editor Increments" option select one of the values:
    1. "1/10"- administrators will be able to edit hours within tenth of an hour increments
    2. "1/2" - administrators will be able to edit hours within half hour increments
    3. "1/4"- administrators will be able to edit hours within quarter of an hour increments
    4. "Any" - administrators will be able to edit hours in any increments
    5. "Whole"- administrators will be able to edit hours within whole hour increments

Set up User Preferences

  1. Expand Options → T&E Settings → T&E Preferences
  2. In the Auto Clock Out after Number of Hours select the number of hours after which you would like to automatically clock out a user, unless they have already clocked out. This will only work if a corresponding profile "Time In & Out Profile Auto Checkout" has been scheduled under the Data Piping → All Profile section.

For additional features associated with Time Clock In Clock Out function of the application see the additional links from the help guide.

Enable the Time Clock on the Admin menu

From the Admin menu expand the Security → Role Manager

  1. Select the security role that is assigned to your user record
  2. click on the Accesses tab
  3. Click Add
  4. From the Access Select  screen select one of the options as appropriate:
    1. Time Clock Editor Disable Clock in Only: To disable admin ability to start a clock in session for a user (in case you would like the users to clock in on their own)
    2. Time Clock Inout- full admin access to the Time Clock setup and Time clock editor screen
    3. Time Clock Inout Editor Only -  access to clock editor screen but no access to the time clock assignment setup

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