Setup Expense Monthly Recurring

Setup Expense Monthly Recurring

This Recurring Expense is specifically used for users that have the same type of expense recurring on a monthly bases.

  1. Expand Organization

  2. Click on Employee

  3. Select the employee the recurring expense relates to

  4. Click on the Expense Limit tab

  5. Select Add

    1. Effective Date: Select the start date of the user

    2. Expense Group: Select the expense group from the drop down menu related to the recurring expense being created

    3. Expense Type: Select the expense type from the drop down menu related to the recurring expense being created

    4. Limit Type: The limit type must be set to Monthly Recurring

    5. Amount Limit: Type in the amount limit that relates to the recurring expense being created if applicable

    6. Notes: Add any notes you would like that relates to the recurring expense being created if needed

  6. Click Save

Once it is configured then you would need to setup and execute the Recurring Expense Profile under Data Piping. Click here to go to Recurring Expense Profile