Time Detail Hours with Bill Amount per Day Domain
This is tied to the timesheet data (header, row and detail). It will display the hours entered per day on the timesheet. Example:
- Hours Detail Report
The domains consists of the following columns (NOTE: Column names could be renamed so you might see different names based on your side configuration, so the following names are the base names of the system)
NOTE: MUST Add Filter: Convert Bill to Currency, default USD and Currency Conversion Option)
Column ID | Column Name (From DBLabels.properties) | Data Type | Description |
LAST_FIRST | Full Name (Last, First) | String | Employee/User Last Name, First Name |
LEVEL1_CODE | Level1 Code | String | WBS Level1 Code |
LEVEL1_NAME | Level 1 | String | WBS Level1 Name |
LEVEL2_CODE | Level2 Code | String | WBS Level2 Code |
LEVEL2_NAME | Level 2 | String | WBS Level2 Name |
LEVEL3_CODE | Level3 Code | String | WBS Level3 Code |
LEVEL3_NAME | Level 3 | String | WBS Level3 Name |
LEVEL4_CODE | Level4 Code | String | WBS Level4 Code |
LEVEL4_NAME | Level 4 | String | WBS Level4 name |
LOCKED_BY | Locked By | String | Locked by if the timesheet is in Status: Open or Closed |
T_LINE_NO | Line ID | Integer | Timesheet Line Id |
VALUE | Hours | Decimal | Hours |
PAY_CODE | Time Code | String | Time Code |
PC_NAME | Time Code Name | String | Time Code Name |
PREV_STATUS | Timesheet Previous Status | String | Previous Status could be one of the following: |
TM_STATUS | Timesheet Status | String | Timesheet status: |
TM_VALID_STATUS | Timesheet Validation Status | String | Timesheet Validation Status could be one of the following: |
HOME_OPT_NAME | Home Operating Unit | String | Home Operating Unit Name |
DEPT_CODE | Home Department Code | String | Home Department Code |
HOME_DEPT_NAME | Home Department | String | Home Department Name |
EMPLY_TYPE | Employee Type Code | String | Employee Type ID |
EMPLY_TYPE_NAME | Employee Type | String | Employee Type Name |
FUNCTCODE | Home Function Code | String | Home Function Code |
HOME_FUNC_NAME | Home Function | String | Home Function Name |
LOCATION_CODE | Home Location Code | String | Home Location Code |
HOME_LOC_NAME | Home Location | String | Home Location Name |
OPT_CODE | Worked Operating Unit Code | String | Worked Operating Unit Code |
OPT_NAME | Worked Operating Unit | String | Worked Operating Unit Name |
DEPT_CODE | Worked Department Code | String | Worked Department Code |
DEPT_NAME | Worked Department | String | Worded Department Name |
FUNCTCODE | Worked Function Code | String | Worked Function Code |
FUNCTION_NAME | Worked Function | String | Worked Function Name |
LOCATION_CODE | Worked Location Code | String | Work Location Code |
LOCATION_NAME | Worked Location | String | Worked Location Name |
CONV_TM_BILL_RATE | Converted Bill Rate | Decimal | |
bill_amount | Converted Bill Amount | Decimal | |
BILL_CONVERT_CURR | Convert to Currency | String | |
BILL_CONV_OPTION | Currency Conversion Option | String | |
BILL_FLAG | Billable flag | String | Billable Flag |
LAST_DOC_NUMBER | Document Number | Integer | Document Number |
PROCESS_STATUS | Process Status | String | Process Status could be one of the following: |
VENDOR_ID | Vendor ID | String | Vendor ID |
BATCH_TYPE_1 | Databasics Extract Batch Type | String | Databasics Extract Batch Type |
BATCH_TYPE_3 | Batch type 3 | String | Used for additional batch types |
BATCH_TYPE_4 | Batch type 4 | String | Used for additional batch types |
BATCH_TYPE_5 | Batch type 5 | String | Used for additional batch types |
TIME_IN | Time In | DateTime | First Time In on Timesheet |
TIME_IN1 | Time In 1 | DateTime | Second Time In on Timesheet |
TIME_OUT | Time Out | DateTime | First Time Out on Timesheet |
TIME_OUT1 | Time Out 1 | DateTime | Second Time Out on Timesheet |
LEVEL1_FLAG | Level1 Flag | String | WBS Level1 Flag |
LEVEL1_TYPE | Level1 Type | String | WBS Level1 Type |
MAIN_WBS_CODE | Main WBS Code | String | WBS Main WBS Code |
MAIN_WBS_NAME | Main WBS | String | WBS Main WBS Name |
LEVEL2_FLAG | Level2 Flag | String | WBS Level2 Flag |
LEVEL2_TYPE | Level2 Type | String | WBS Level2 Type |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 | Other Employee ID1 | String | Employee Other id1 that is mapped to OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 in the employee table |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID2 | Other Employee ID2 | String | Employee Other id2 |
SSN | SSN | String | Employee Other id that is mapped to SSN field. |
TODAY_DATE | TODAY_DATE | Date | Today's Date - Used for Scheduling Report |
EMP_ACTIVE | Active Employee | String | Employee Active Yes or No |
EMPLY_ID | Employee ID | String | Employee Id |
OPT_CODE | Home Operating Unit Code | String | Home Operating Unit Code |
L1_END_DATE | Level1 End Date | Date | Level 1 End Date |
L1_START_DATE | Level1 Start Date | Date | Level 1 Start Date |
L2_END_DATE | Level2 End Date | Date | Level 2 End Date |
L2_START_DATE | Level2 Start Date | Date | Level 2 Start Date |
L2_CLOSE_DATE | Level2 Close Date | Date | Level 2 Close Date |
L2_OPEN_DATE | Level2 Open Date | Date | Level 2 Open Date |
L1_CLOSE_DATE | Level1 Close Date | Date | Level 1 Close Date |
L1_OPEN_DATE | Level1 Open Date | Date | Level 1 Open Date |
L1_OPT_CODE | Level1 Operating Unit Code | String | Level 1 Operating Unit Code |
L1_OPT_NAME | Level1 Operating Unit | String | Level 1 Operating Unit Name |
HDR_WK_END | Period End | Date | Timesheet Period End |
LOCKED_DT | Locked Datetime Stamp | Datetime | Locked Datetime if the timesheet is in Status: Open or Closed |
EVENT_DATE | Event Date | Date | Timesheet Column Date |
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