Time Work Flow Domain
This domain allows you to create a report that shows the history of the timesheet. When certain actions were taken and by whom (created, released, rejected, approved, etc.). Example:
- Timesheet Audit Report
The domains consists of the following columns (NOTE: Column names could be renamed so you might see different names based on your side configuration, so the following names are the base names of the system)
Column ID | Column Name (From DBLabels.properties) | Data Type | Description |
LAST_FIRST | Full Name (Last, First) | String | Employee/User Last Name, First Name |
COPY_BY_NAME | Copied by Name | String | Name of Employee Last Accessed |
COPY_USER_TYPE | Copied User Type | String | User Type of Last Accessed |
COPIED_BY | Copied by ID | String | Employee Id of Last Accessed |
HDR_ID | Copy ID | Integer | Id for Internal Tracking |
LAST_DOC_NUMBER | Document Number | Integer | Document Number |
TM_STATUS | Timesheet Status | String | Timesheet status: |
TM_PROCESS_STATUS | Process Status | String | Process Status could be one of the following: |
TM_PREV_STATUS | Timesheet Previous Status | String | Previous Status could be one of the following: |
TM_VALID_STATUS | Timesheet Validation Status | String | Timesheet Validation Status could be one of the following: |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 | Other Employee ID1 | String | Employee Other id1 that is mapped to OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 in the employee table |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID2 | Other Employee ID2 | String | Employee Other id2 |
SSN | SSN | String | Employee Other id that is mapped to SSN field. |
TODAY_DATE | TODAY_DATE | Date | Today's Date - Used for Scheduling Report |
EMP_ACTIVE | Active Employee | String | Employee Active Yes or No |
EMPLY_ID | Employee ID | String | Employee Id |
COPIED_DT | Copied on | DateTime | Report Last Accessed DateTime |
HDR_WK_END | Period End | Date | Timesheet Period End |
HDR_WK_START | Period Start | Date | Timesheet Period Start |