My Timesheets

My Timesheets

The My Timesheets screen allows you to view high level data regarding your timesheets. The number of future and recent timesheets listed are controlled by your Administrator. By default, this screen displays the Reporting Period, Status, Total Hours, Total Billable, any Notices and the last time the timesheet was modified.

The definition for each timesheet is described in the table below:

Timesheet Status


New Timesheet

The timesheet has never been previously opened


The timesheet is currently in use or it has not been properly saved.


The timesheet has been started and saved, but has not yet been submitted


The timesheet has been released to the approval process, but no action has yet been taken by an approver

In Approval

The approval process has begun, but is not yet complete

Released w/ no App

The timesheet has been released, but there is no approver assigned to review or approve it.


At least one line on the timesheet has been rejected by at least one approver


All lines on the timesheet have been fully approved by all approvers


The timesheet has been closed/archived and the user can no longer access it

If you wish to view timesheets outside of the date range displayed, click the arrow next to Timesheet to access the Timesheet Sub-menu.

  • Select My Timesheet List from the list. 
  • Once on the My Timesheet screen, enter the Start and End Date
  • Click Search to view timesheets that satisfy the entered criteria.

From this screen you can