Time Find and Replace

Time Find and Replace

Find and Replace can be used to update multiple timesheet rows in a simplified process.

For example, user creates many rows on a timesheet, and realizes that the incorrect time code was previously selected. This user could use the find and replace to quickly replace the incorrect code. 

  1. Go to Timesheet.
  2. Open up the timesheet by click on the reporting period (Start Date - End Date).
  3. Click the three lines at the top of the page then select "Find & Replace"
  4. In the Find By field, search for the Time Code, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, of the Timesheet you are looking for.
  5. Click on "Find"
  6. Check the box next to timesheet line that you want to replace.
  7. In the Replace By field, search for the Time Code, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, of the Timesheet you are looking for.
  8. Select Replace.
  9. Once completed, click "Close" to exit the screen.