Bill Rate Setup

Bill Rate Setup

Bill rates involve defining the hourly or project-based rates that will be charged to clients for various services.

To create a Billing Rate

  1. Expand WBS by clicking on the arrow image-20240610-131410.png

  2. Expand Bill Rate Setup by clicking on the arrow image-20240610-131414.png

  3. Click on Billing Rate

  4. Click on Add

  5. In the New Billing Rate setup screen select the following fields:

    • Billing Code* - Select a billing code to indicate what components will drive the rate. Depending on the type of bill code selected the additional fields in the window will vary. For example if the “Default Billing Code” is selected you will only required to specify the date in addition to the effective date and the currency. But if a bill code is selected that required the Time Code and WBS entry as well, a selection will need to be made in those fields.

    • Effective Date*: Enter the date this report will take effect.

    • Time Code* - Select a time code that is already set up from the drop down menu where the rate will apply.

    • WBS Level 1* - Select a project that is already set up from the drop down menu where the rate will apply.

    • WBS Level 2* - Select a task that is already set up from the drop down menu where the rate will apply.

    • Operating Unit* - select an operating unit that the rate applies to

    • Department* - select a department that the rate applies to

    • Function* - select an Function that the rate applies to

    • Currency* - Select the currency in which the rate will apply

    • Rate* - Enter in the rate 

  6. Click the Save 

* Indicates a required field

Required fields will vary depending on the Bill Code Selected