Bill Code

Bill Code

To create a Billing Code

The purpose of a bill code is to indicate how you would like the bill rates to be set up, this is only applicable to the timesheet hours. So it is important to know what are the components that drive your bill rates. For example the rates can be set up based on different components, the rate can be associated with WBS level 1, so in case each WBS level 1(or project has a bill rate of its own). Or the bill rates may be defined by wbs level 1 and depending on the type of the time being charged to it, for example the bill rate for travel time may be different than the bill rate for the worked time, or the rate may differ based up on the function being performed, or based upon the level of seniority of the resource performing the work. In all cases the bill code needs to be set based upon how the time is billed withing your company.

  1. Expand WBS by clicking on the arrow image-20240530-194506.png .

  2. Expand Bill Rate Setup by clicking on the arrow image-20240530-194514.png

  3. Click on Billing Code.

  4. Click on Add

  5. In the New Billing Code setup window the following fields need to be selected:

    • Bill Code* - Select an option from the drop down menu that fits the bill code being set up, a set of bill codes will appear in the drop down, but the additional bill codes can be configured from Options → T&E Settings → T&E Flags (Search by Owner =”TM_BILL_CODE” filter to see the list and click Add to add more)

      1. Default Bill Rate - 00000

      2. Based on WBS Level 1 - 00100

      3. Based on Time Code and WBS Level1 and Level2 and Level3 - 10301

      4. Based on Time Code and WBS Level1 and Level2 - 10201

      5. Based on Time Code and WBS Level1 and Function - 10101

      6. Based on Time Code and WBS Level 1 - 10100

      7. Based on Time Code and Employee and Level2 and Function - 11201

      8. Based on Time Code and Employee and Level1   - 11100

      9. Based on Time Code and Employee and Level1 and Function - 11101

      10. Based on Time Code and Employee - 11000

    • The code consists of 5 digits as in the following order, each digit in the code represents a an attribute based on which the bill rates are set up, the digits are set in the following order

      1. Time Code (1 if the bill rate is set based on the time code and 0 if Off)

      2. Employee (1 if the bill rate is set based on the employee and 0 if Off)

      3. WBS Level (0 if Off ,  1 if the bill rate is based on Level 1, 2 if based on Level 2, 3 if based on Level 3, 4 if based on Level 4)

      4. OBS (0  if off, 1 if the bill rate is based on Operating Unit, 2 if the rate is based on the Department)

      5. Function (0 if Off and 1 if the rate is based on the employee function )

    • Name* - Enter in a name for the Bill Code

    • Sequence* - The order in which the bill code would be applied in the case there are multiple bill codes that apply. For example: a company may have a default rate defined by level 1 (project), but in exception cases the rate may change for individuals within a specific function. So in this case the first sequence or the level of priority would be given to the bill rate to the rate by wbs level 1 and function and the second priority level to the bill rate by wbs level 1. for Example the bill code
      10301 means the bill rate is based on Time Code and WBS Level1 and Level2 and Level3 -

  6. Click the Save 

* Indicates a required field

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