Profile Execution

Profile Execution

The execution of a profile consists of several stages. The execution of a profile prompts AdminSite to generate a Job ID that will uniquely identify the execution of that profile from another (The execution of a profile is referred to as a "Job"). Upon execution, if there are profile attributes that are configured to prompt the user prior to execution, then a separate screen will appear listing the attributes to allow the user to verify the attributes contain the proper values. The user can then click the Execute button. The application will then proceed to the "Job Status" screen. This screen lists all current jobs that either have been completed or are in the queue for processing. The following table displays all possible job statuses with their definition.



In Process

The job is currently in the queue to be processed.


The job completed successfully.


The job failed while showing the errors that were trapped by the DBMS.

For profiles that continue to have a status of "In Process", the user can click on the Refresh button to refresh the screen and view any changes to the job status. At any point in time in the execution process, the user can select the Job Number link and the user can view all relevant system messages for that job. If a job completes successfully, this screen will display all relevant information about that job; conversely, if the job fails, this screen will list all the errors captured by the engine. In addition, if the profile is configured to send an email at the completion of a profile run, then the user can view the associated email for the status of that executed profile. The following steps outline the profile execution process.

  1. On the Profile screen click the Run Now link for the profile to be executed.
  2. If any of the profile attributes were setup for prompting the user, a screen will appear listing the configured attributes with a Value field holding the current attribute value (if this is the first time a profile has been executed, this field will usually be blank). Click on the Execute button.
  3. The "Job Status" Screen will now be displayed.
  4. The Refresh button can be pressed to refresh the Job Status screen to watch for any possible change in the individual job statuses of any listed job.
  5. Click the Job Number link to see the status, error, or warning logs.

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