Viewing Scheduled Jobs
To view the scheduled jobs for a specific report, click on the clock
icon next to that report's name. To view all schedule jobs, click View → Schedules (from the top menu bar).This page displays all of the jobs that you have access to, depending on your user-role. The Jobs page has the following headings:
Heading | Description |
Resource | Location of where the report is saved |
Job Name | The title/description of the job as defined by the user who created it. |
Job ID | The job's ID number. |
Owner | The user that created the job |
State | The state of the job: • NORMAL – The job is scheduled. |
Last Run | The last time the job ran |
Next Run | The next scheduled time for the job to be run |
Enabled | When checked, the job will run at the scheduled times. When unchecked, the job is paused. |
| Edits the schedule. |
Deletes the scheduled job. Note: When the server receives a request to delete a job that is running, the server completes running the job before deleting it. |
The Scheduled Jobs page also has the following buttons:
*You can see these options by click on the clock icon next to the report that has the schedule.
Button | Description |
Back | Returns you to the repository |
Create Schedule | Opens the Schedule tab to define a new job. |
Run Now | Opens the scheduler and allows you to run the job immediately. Runs the report in the background. |
Refresh | Refreshes the list of jobs, for example to see if a job has finished running. |
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