Viewing Scheduled Jobs

Viewing Scheduled Jobs

To view the scheduled jobs for a specific report, click on the clock   icon next to that report's name. To view all schedule jobs, click View → Schedules (from the top menu bar).

This page displays all of the jobs that you have access to, depending on your user-role. The Jobs page has the following headings:



ResourceLocation of where the report is saved
Job NameThe title/description of the job as defined by the user who created it.

Job ID

The job's ID number.


The user that created the job


The state of the job:

• NORMAL – The job is scheduled.
• EXECUTING – The server is generating the output.
• COMPLETE – The server has finished running the job and placed output to the repository.
• PAUSED– The job has been disabled. Click Enabled to resume the schedule.
• ERROR – The scheduler encountered an error while scheduling or triggering the job. This doesn’t include cases where the job is successfully triggered, but an error occurs while it runs.
• UNKNOWN – The scheduler encountered an error with the job trigger.

Last Run

The last time the job ran

Next Run

The next scheduled time for the job to be run

EnabledWhen checked, the job will run at the scheduled times. When unchecked, the job is paused.


Edits the schedule.

Deletes the scheduled job.

Note: When the server receives a request to delete a job that is running, the server completes running the job before deleting it.

The Scheduled Jobs page also has the following buttons:

*You can see these options by click on the clock icon next to the report that has the schedule.




Returns you to the repository

Create Schedule

Opens the Schedule tab to define a new job.

Run Now

Opens the scheduler and allows you to run the job immediately. Runs the report in the background.


Refreshes the list of jobs, for example to see if a job has finished running.