Remote Agent

Remote Agent

Linking Remote Agent with DATABASICS

Steps to Take in DATABASICS' Admin:

You need to access Admin by logging in to the DATABASICS application as someone with Admin rights.

  1. Click on Admin
  2. Click on Data Piping
  3. Click on Remote
  4. Click on Remote Job Agent
  5. Once you are in the Remote Job Age:
    1. Click on Add.
    2. Enter an Agent ID and a Name for the Remote Job Agent (Please note that the Remote Agent Will be used in the setting up the remote agent at the client server)
    3. Click on Save.
    4. Once you click Save, a Remote Trust Key will be generated in the field that you cannot. Copy that Remote Trust Key in to the section above called Remote Trust ID. (Please note that the Remote Trust Key Will be used in the setting up the remote agent at the client server)
  6. After you have finished creating the Remote Job Agent, go to All Profile Task.
  7. Click on a profile that you have set up to have [Import From a Table/View].
  8. Click on Parameters
  9. Where it says Remote Job Agent, select the Remote Job Agent you created above.
  10. Click Save.

Steps Taken at the client Server

You need to Install DBRemoteAgent first (Please make sure you have JDK 1.6 installed first.).

To Install it, you need to:

  1. Unzip DBRemoteAgent.zip to a C: or D: drive
  2. Move agent.properties from /DBRemoteAgent/template to /DBRemoteAgent/
  3. Edit agent.properties and provide the following information:

Remote Attributes

  1. Remote URL to DATABASICS Site.
  2. remoteUrl=https://prsitenn.data-basics.net/adminsitexxxx; (Test)
  3. where nn is the site number and xxxx is the Tomcat's service number.
  4. remoteUrl=https://sitenn.data-basics.net/adminsitexxxx; (Live)
  5. where nn is the site number and xxxx is the Tomcat's service number.
  6. Agent ID. Created in the DATABASICS Admin under Remote Job Agent
  7. agentID=
  8. Remote Trust ID (Generated by Remote Data Piping Agent in DATABASICS) . remoteTrustId which will be created in DATABASICS in Remote Data Piping Agent. 
  9. RemoteTrustId=

Output Generated Data's location.

  1. pipingFolder=c:/DBRemoteAgent/Data-Output;  piping folder the drive location currently is c but it is other than c please change it.

Remote Agent Service that is created on the client server.

  1. port=xxxx; to be defined by client
  2. serviceId=DBRemoteAgent; When creating the service, use the name ID.
  3. serviceName=DBRemoteAgent; when creating the service, use the Service Name.
  4. serviceDescription=DATABASICS Data Piping Remote Agent; This is the description of the Service that is created on the client server.

DATABASE access for the back end such as Solomon, Great Plains, Oracle, you would need to provide the JDBC configuration and user id and password.

  1. localDbUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost[;instanceName=cccccc]:1433;DatabaseName=clientdb. Sometimes when logging into the DB server, you might need to add instance name; if the server name is localhost\cccccc
  2. localDbUser=
  3. localDbPassword=
  • Logging errors/Trace. You need to define its location in the log attributes
  • logLevel=debug
  • logFile=c:/DBRemoteAgent/Log/dbremoteagent.log
  • logFileSize=2000KB
  • logBackupCount=5
  1. To install the service (DBRemoteAgent] you would only need to type the following: AgentServer.bat install
  2. Then run the service.

Please note that you can create multiple Remote Agents. Each would then need to have its own directory and its properties file defined. You might need it in case you want to have the Profiles to have a dedicated remote agent. Thus, you need to also create new Remote Agents in DATABASICS's Admin.

To uninstall Remote Agent:

  1. Stop the DBRemoteAgent.
  2. <drive>:\DBremoteAgent\AgentServer.bat uninstall  or  AgentServer.bat remove

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