Time Email Messages
This section allows Administrators to view and edit the automatic email messages. Email messages are enabled/disabled in T&E Options under Time - mail options.
For Time the following parameters can be inserted into the Subject or Body of the email
Parameter | Definition |
{EmplyId} | Employee ID |
{FirstName} {LastName} | First and Last Name |
{FullName} | Employee Full Name |
{StandardHours} | Standards Hours on Timesheet |
{PeriodStart} | Time Period Start |
{PeriodEnd} | Time Period End |
{Status} | Timesheet Status |
{TotalHours} | Timesheet Total Hours |
{BillableHours} | Timesheet Billable Hours |
{LeaveHours} | Leave Hours |
{PTORequest:Request for vacation of [Hours] hours} | PTO Request with message and hours |
{BreakType} | Meal Break or Rest Break |
{PTORequest} | Number of PTO hours |
Example of email setup in Admin:
Name | When lines are fully approved |
Subject | Timesheet for {FullName} period ending {PeriodEnd} Fully Approved |
Message body | Timesheet for {FullName} period ending {PeriodEnd} has been fully approved |
Example email output:
Subject: Timesheet for John, Smith period ending 01/15/2014 Fully Approved
Message Body: Timesheet for John, Smith period ending 01/15/2014 has been fully approved
Example of email setup with PTO in Admin:
Name | When lines are fully approved |
Subject | Timesheet for {FullName} period ending {PeriodEnd} Fully Approved. {PTORequest:Request for vacation of [Hours] hours} |
Message body | Timesheet for {FullName} period ending {PeriodEnd} has been fully approved. {PTORequest:Request for vacation of [Hours] hours} |
Example email with PTO output:
Subject: Timesheet for John, Smith period ending 01/15/2014 Fully Approved. Request for vacation 10 hours
Message Body: Timesheet for John, Smith period ending 01/15/2014 has been fully approved. Request for vacation 10 hours
The following are supported on the subject for Clock In/Out Subject
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