T&E Options

T&E Options

The T&E Options are the options that apply to Time and Expense.


Module Enable*

Enable TimeSite Links

Enable the Databasics Time Module

Enable Remote Work Schedule

Enables the Remote work schedule

Enable Time Accrual Module

Enable the Time Off Request Module- this option needs to be on in order for the users to be able to see the Time Off Request module

Enable Background OCR for Receipts

Processes scanned or photographed receipts automatically in the background. It converts the text within these receipts into machine-readable data without requiring manual input.

Enable Background ORC for Invoice

The system uses OCR technology to scan and interpret the text on invoices automatically. It extracts key details such as invoice numbers, dates, amounts, vendor names, and line items without manual input.

Enable Background ORC for Hotel Folio

The system automatically scans and extracts relevant data from hotel folios (receipts) in the background.

Enable Background Multiple OCR

Allows the system to automatically perform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on multiple receipts simultaneously in the background

Enable AI Chatter

When enabled you will be able to use the artificial intelligence (AI) feature

Enable WBS Assignments by Additional Fields

Allows you to assign WBS elements to tasks, projects, or expenses based on custom or additional fields beyond the standard ones. For example, you might use fields such as department, cost center, project phase, or specific project attributes.

Enable ExpenSite Links

Enable the Databasics Expense Module

Expire Approval by Email Link (Default 1440 Minutes)

Controls how long an approval request link sent via email remains active before it expires.

Enable Google Map Search on Mileage Map

Allows users to search for locations, addresses, or points of interest directly within the mileage tracking interface using Google Maps.

Enable Google Map Report as an attachment

Allows the system to generate a Google Maps report detailing the routes traveled or the locations visited. This report is then attached to expense reports

Password Options

Number of generations before reuse


Dictates how many unique password changes must occur before a previously used password can be reused.

Minimum password length

Determines the shortest length a password must be to be considered valid

Allow Terminated employee to login after N Days (V8.3 and higher)

Enter the number of days end users can access the DATABASICS system after their termination date. This period typically allows users to submit any outstanding timesheets or expenses.

Auto Insert Approval Groups by Default

For Employee Based Approval

If set to Yes, this option automatically creates the employee-based approval group. This option should be set to ‘No’ if your company loads approvals from an external source

For Department Based Approval

If set to Yes, this option automatically creates the department-based approval group. This option should be set to ‘No’ if your company loads approvals from an external source

For WBS Level2 Based Approval

If set to Yes, this option automatically creates the WBS Level2 approval group. This option should be set to ‘No’ if your company loads approvals from an external source

For WBS Level1 Based Approval

If set to Yes, this option automatically creates the WBS Level1 approval group. This option should be set to ‘No’ if your company loads approvals from an external source

Enable Home Page Counter

Display Expense Advance Amount

Displays the expense advance amount on the user’s home page

Display Number of Remote work balance

Displays the number of remote work balance on the user’s home page

Display Expense Employee Pending Reimbursement Amount

Displays the expense employee pending reimbursement amount on the user’s home page

Display Time PTO Balance

Displays the PTO balance on the user's home page

Display Expense Report Types on Dashboard

Displays the expense report types on the user’s home page

Notification Messages Message Tag

Disable the restriction on list of users you could send notification

By disabling the restriction, you allow notifications to be sent to a broader range of users, possibly including those who were previously excluded by default settings or policies.

Out Of Office Options

Restrict Out of Office approval selection to the restricted set of manager


If enabled the list of available approvers in the out of office delegation screen will be restricted to the approvers loaded in the TE_APPROVAL_ASSIGN_MEM table

Restrict Out Of Office Approval to Number of Days

Allows administrators to set a maximum number of days for which an out-of-office approval can be valid. For example, you might restrict out-of-office approvals to a maximum of 30 days.

Email out of office confirmation to backup and owner

This sends a confirmation email to both the backup person and the owner of the account or request.


Expense Only




Expense - Advance Option

Apply Advance to the Report Full/Partial Amount

-P (Partial) Apply Advance to the Report in Partial Amount




-F (Fully) Apply Advance to the Report in Full Amount




Apply Advance to Company Business (B) or Due to Employee (E)

-B (Business) Apply Advance to Company Business




-E (Employee) Apply Advance Due to Employee




Expense - Approval Process

Allow users to route reports from the expense report list page

N- No Users cannot route reports from the expense report list page




Y- Yes Users can route reports directly from the expense report list page.




Expense- Approval Option

Require the Approval to approve both Exception and standard Approval on the same report

-Y/Yes Require the Approval to approve both Exception and standard Approval on the same report




-N/No Do not require the Approval to approve both Exception and standard Approval on the same report




Expense - Attendees Option

Auto Fill the owner of the report as an Attendee

-Yes Auto Fill the owner of the report as an Attendee




-No Do not auto Fill the owner of the report as an Attendee




Enable user to select from frequently entered attendees

-Yes Enable user to select from frequently entered attendees




-No Do not enable user to select from frequently entered attendees




Expense - Credit Card Options

Enable default frequently used expense type by vendor after load

Default Expense Type on Matching Condidation from Recurring Expenses- The system automatically applies the default expense type to new reports based on matching conditions from recurring expenses




Default Expense Type on perviously entered reports by use - The system automatically applies the default expense type to previously entered reports based on the user’s preferences.




Disabled- The system does not automatically set a default expense type; users must select it manually.




Expense - Per Diem Rate

Per Diem Rate Setup By

Operating Unit- Rate based on Operating Unit

Department- Rate based on Department

Location- Rate based on Location




Per Diem Dedication Rate Setup By

Operating Unit- Deduction rate based on Operating Unit

Department- Deduction rate based on Department

Location- Deduction rate based on Location




Per Diem Allowance Rate Setup By

Operating Unit- Allowance rate based on Operating Unit

Department- Allowance rate based on Department

Location- Allowance rate based on Location




Preauthorization Option

Auto-approve reports based on approved preauthorized reports

-Y/Yes Auto-approve reports based on approved preauthorized reports




-N/No Do not auto-approve reports based on approved preauthorized reports




Expense - Approval Reset Options Based on Changes Made by Users

Expense approval reset option based on changes made by users

Reset all the levels from the beginning




Reset Off




Reset only based on the changes.




Reset the current level process from the beginning




Approval Reset Options Based on Changes Made by Users

Expense approval reset option based on changes made by users

-Reset all the levels from the beginning




-Reset the current level process from the beginning




-Reset Off




-Reset only based on the changes




Display Last Approve and Reject Action to the Approval

-Y/Yes Display Last Approve and Reject Action to the Approval




-N/No Do not display Last Approve and Reject Action to the Approval




Expense - VAT Rate

Setup By

-Allows setting up tax rates by Operating Unit




-Allows setting up tax rates by Location




-Allows setting up tax rates by Department




Organization/Word Breakdown Structure Level Enable

Enable Operating Unit

Yes Enable Operating Unit




No Do not Enable Operating Unit




Enable Department

Yes Enable Department




No Do not Enable Department




Enable Level1

Yes Enable Level1




No Do not Enable Level1




Enable Level2

Yes Enable Level2




No Do not Enable Level2




Enable Level3

Yes Enable Level3




No Do not Enable Level 3




Enable Level4

Yes Enable Level4




No Do not Enable Level4




Enable Expense Code

Yes Enable Expense Code




No Do not Enable Expense Code




Mail Options









When lines are fully approved

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an Attachment




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When lines are modified/fully approved

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When lines are rejected

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When lines are modified by an approver

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When lines are sent from approver to approver (ready for approval)

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When lines are ready for approval

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment 




Email Owner When Proxy Submit Expense Report

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When lines are rejected Email Proxy

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




When Authorization Report lines are fully approved Email Proxy

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




Only For Email Receipt Service - Enable Confirmation Email to the Sender

-Yes with Attachment Send an email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




DATABASICS ACH Notification to the user when there is no bank account setup

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes with Attachment




DATABASICS ACH Notification to the user whenever report is posted to ACH

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes with Attachment




Default Attachment Report

-xp_rpt_adt (Expense Audit Report)




-xp_rpt_adt_del (Expense Audit Deletion Report)




-xp_rpt_adt_rej (Expense Audit Rejection Report)




-xp_rpt_bc (Expense Bar Code Report)




-xp_rpt_day (Expense Daily Report)




-xp_rpt_line (Expense by Line Report)




When Required Certification by user

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report




-No Do not send an e-mail




-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment




Email link for expense report approvers if they have rights approve from the list

-Yes Send an email notification




-No Do not send an e-mail




Enable Other Options

Number of Days to Retrieve Message Tag on the Home Page

Sets the number of days the notifications of a message tag will be available for the recipient





Time Only


Mail Options




When lines are fully approved

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

When lines are modified and fully approved

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

When lines are rejected

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

When lines are modified by an approver

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

When lines are sent from approver to approver (ready for approval)

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

When lines are ready for approval

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

Email Owner When Proxy Submit Timesheet

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-No Do not send an e-mail

-Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

When lines are rejected Email Proxy

-Yes with Attachment Send and email with an attached copy of the report

-N/No Do not send an e-mail

-Y/Yes Send an email notification without an attachment

Default Attachment Report

-tm_rpt (Timesheet)

-tm_rpt_adj (Timesheet Adjustment)

-tm_rpt_adt (Timesheet Audit Report)

-tm_rpt_adt_del (Timesheet Audit Deletion Report)

-tm_rpt_adt_rej (Timesheet Audit Rejection Report)

-tm_rpt_bal (Timesheet Leave Balance Report)

Time clock in

-No Notfication will not be sent when a user clocks in

-Yes Notfication will be sent when a user clocks in

Time clock out

-No Notfication will not be sent when a user clocks out

-Yes Notfication will be sent when a user clocks out

Time clock out reminder

-No Notification will not be sent to a user to clock out before auto clock out occurs

-Yes Notfication will be sent to user remind them to clock out before auto clock out occurs

Email link for timesheet approvers if they have rights approve from the list

-Yes An email will be sent that includes the email link for timesheet approvers if they have the right to approve from the list

-No An email will not be sent that includes the email link for timesheet approvers if they have the right to approve from the list

Approval Options

Require the Approval to approve both Exception and standard Approval on the same report

Yes Approval will be required to approve both Exception and standard Approval on the same report

No Approval will not be required to approve both Exception and standard Approval on the same report

Time - DCAA Options

Allow hours to be charged on future days

1/Yes Allow hours to be charged on future days

0/No Hours will not be allowed for future days

Allow hours to be charged on past days 

1/Yes Allow hours to be charged on past days

0/No Hours will not be able to be charged on past days

Notes required for a previous day after the following time

Time would be selected This indicates the cut off time for when you are allowed to put hours in for the previous day

Require an explanation on changes

1/Yes Require an explanation on changes

0/No Will not require an explanation on changes

Time - Enable Other Options

Auto populate holiday

1/Yes Auto populate holiday

0/No Do not Auto populate holiday

Clock In/Out Rounding

(7) Round Hours to the 7 minute Rather than try to track work time to the minute employees commonly use increments of 5, 10, or 15 minutes and then round the actual time worked to the nearest increment. the 7 Minute rule comes into play when a company pays employees based on 15 minutes incrementsThe rounding occurs from the total from the Clock In and Clock Out. 


Clock In 12:54 PM / Clock Out 5:37 PM

Total = 4 hours and 43 minutes

Rounding would make it 4 hours and 45 minutes

(U) Round Up Rounding the law allows an employer to round the number of minutes worked, we must round to the closest tracked increment. For example the employer can round down if the user worked 43 to 40 but if the employee worked 46 then round to 50

(77) Round Hours after the Clock is rounded to 7 minute The rounding will happen on the Clock In and Clock Out. After the total is calculated if an additional rounding needs to occur, the system will round again. 


Clock In 12:54 PM / Clock Out 5:37 PM

Clock In Rounding = 1:00 PM

Clock Out Rounding = 5:30 PM

Total = 4 hours and 30 minutes

Note: The Clock In and Clock Out does not get updated. Only the total number of hours that are calculated are updated. Above is to only show how the minutes are rounded for each occurrence. 

Enable Validations if backup approver is on PTO while setting up out of office

-Yes Enables validation checks to ensure that out-of-office settings are properly configured even if the backup approver is on PTO

-No Disables validation checks, allowing out-of-office settings to be configured without verifying the availability of the backup approver.

New Shift clock In/out gap between clocks in minutes

The time interval required between the end of one shift and the start of the next.

Admin Clock Editor Increments

Specifies the time intervals, in hours, used for adjusting clock entries in the admin clock editor.

Disable editing a posted timesheet in Clock Editor

-Yes User will be unable to edit a posted timesheet in clock editor

-No User will be able to edit a posted timesheet in clock editor

Reporting Period Options

Number of future timesheet reporting periods to retrieve

Set the value for the number of future timesheet reporting periods to view

Number of previous timesheet reporting periods to retrieve

Set the value for the number of previous timesheet reporting periods to view

Number of future timesheet reporting periods to retrieve on dashboard

Set the value for the number of future timesheet reporting periods to view on your dashboard

Number of previous timesheet reporting periods to retrieve on dashboard

Set the value for the number of previous timesheet reporting periods to view on your dashboard

Time - Organization/Work Breakdown Structure Level Enable

Enable Department

Yes Enable Department

No Do not Enable Department

Enable Function

Yes Enable Function

No Do not Enable Function

Enable Location

Yes Enable Location

No Do not Enable Location

Enable Operating Unit

Yes Enable Operating Unit

No Do not Enable Operating Unit

Enable Level1

Yes Enable Level1

No Do not Enable Level1

Enable Level2

Yes Enable Level2

No Do not Enable Level2

Enable Level3

Yes Enable Level3

No Do not Enable Level3

Enable Level4

Yes Enable Level4

No Do not Enable Level4

Enable Time Code

Yes Enable Time Code

No Do not Enable Time Code

Enable Break Time field on Time Attendance Entry

Yes Enables the Break field on employee Time Attendance Log screen

No Disables the Break field on employee Time Attendance Log screen

Enable Travel Time field on Time Attendance Entry

Yes Enables the Travel field on employee Time Attendance Log screen

No Disables the Travel field on employee Time Attendance Log screen

Enable Other Time field on Time Attendance Entry

Yes Enables the Other field on employee Time Attendance Log screen

No Disables the Other field on employee Time Attendance Log screen

Approval Reset Options Bases on Changes Made by the User

Timesheet approval reset option based on changes made by the user

- Reset all the levels from the beginning

  • Reset the current level process from the beginning

  • Reset Off

- Reset only based on the changes



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