T&E Preferences

T&E Preferences

T&E Preferences will be the default preferences for users in DATABASICS. Newly added users will be assigned these preferences, but they can be changed by individual users to better suit their needs. If you want to update the preferences for all users, be sure to click the "Reset All User Preferences" button. This is especially important in the initial setup of the application.

To get to preferences:

  1. Expand Options
  2. Click on T&E Preferences


  • Number Format: The number format can be set to ##,###.00 or ##.###,00
  • Language: If language is part of the package, the default language for the application can be set here.
  • Display WBS & OBS Preference Name then ID:  Dictates how Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) preferences are displayed, including the preference name and its corresponding ID.
  • Date Format: The date format can either be set to MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.

Expense Preferences:

  • Unit Type (Mileage or KM): This can be set to either Miles or Kilometers
  • Most Recent Expense Types Used: Provides users with a list of the expense types they have most recently utilized.
  • Default Level2 Code: This option allows you to default the WBS Level 2 code on the expense distribution.
  • Default Level1 Code: This option allows you to default the WBS Level 1 code on the expense distribution.
  • Expense Default Expense Code: Allows users to set a default expense code that is automatically applied to new expense entries
  • Enable Operating Unit: This option enables operating unit selection on the expense report
  • Enable Department: This option enables department selection on the expense report.
  • Expense Approval Detail Preview: This option enables or disables the "Preview" function for approval of an expense report from the approver view. This can be set to yes, no, or disabled. 
  • Expense Approval Line Detail Preview: This option enables or disables the "Preview line detail" function for approval of an expense report from the approver view. This can be set to yes or no or disabled. (Note: As of v8 and higher, this preference is not required. As long as the Expense Approval Detail preview is enabled, users can enable/disable the preview at the line level)

  • Expense WBS/OBS Hight(px): Controls the vertical space allocated for displaying WBS or OBS fields within expense reports.
  • Default Expense Payment Type: The default payment type is the time payment type that will populate on new lines for users. For credit card transactions that are imported, the payment type will default based on that credit card setup.

Time Only:

  • Set Auto-fill favorites on Release On: This option copies all of the lines on a timesheet to that user's favorites when the timesheet is released. This can be set to yes or no.
  • Auto Clock Out after Number of Hours: If set to -1, that means this option is disabled. The hours can be set to any whole number greater than 1. The hours count down from the time user clocks in.
  • Default Time Code: The default time code is the time code that will populate on new lines for users.
  • Auto Populate Notes from favorites: This option will copy all of the notes from the user's favorites onto every new timesheet they open. This can be set to yes or no.
  • Auto Scroll to today's date in Timesheet: This option will automatically scroll to the current date when the timesheet is opened by the user.
  • Enable Operating Unit: This option enables operating unit selection on the timesheet.
  • Enable Location: This option enables location selection on the timesheet.
  • Enable Function: This option enables function selection on the timesheet.
  • Enable Department: This option enables department selection on the timesheet.
  • Enable Billable Field: Will show/hide the Billable column in timesheet list.
  • Enable Time Attendance: this enables a clock icon into a user's timesheets, where users can add attendance log to indicate the actual time in/time out details without impacting the number of hours, only in a form of notes.
  • Time Approval Detail Preview: This option enables or disables the "Preview" function for approval of a timesheet from the approver view. This can be set to yes or no.
  • Enable Timesheet line ascending sort:  Sorts timesheet lines (or entries) in ascending order based on a specified criteria, such as date, project, or task.
  • My Day Starts At: This is the default for the beginning of a user's workday.
  • Display Time In and Out in AM/PM:  This option toggles between military time and AM/PM. This can be set to yes or no.
  • My Day Ends At: This is the default for the end of a user's workday.
  • Auto Prompt Daily Notes: This option automatically prompts users to enter daily notes when logging their time

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