To enter Cities:
- Expand Expense by clicking on the plus sign.
- Expand Place by clicking on the plus sign.
- Click on City.
- Click on the Add button.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Country*: Select a country (set up in Country) in the drop down.
- State ID*: Select a state (set up in State) in the drop down.
- City ID*: Enter an ID for the city. The maximum length of this field is 20 characters.
- Name*: Enter a name to identify the city. This is the text displayed to the users. The maximum length of this field is 100 characters.
- Search Name*: Enter a name this city can be searched by users.
- Display Name*: Enter a display name for the city. This could be a different variation of the Name or Search Name.
- Operating Unit* (V8.3 and higher): Select the Operating Unit you would like the city to be assigned to. If assigned the City will only be visible to the users within the assigned Operating Unit
- Department* (V8.3 and higher): Select the Department you would like the city to be assigned to. If assigned the City will only be visible to the users within the assigned Department
- Location* (V8.3 and higher): Select the Location you would like the city to be assigned to. If assigned the City will only be visible to the users within the assigned Location
- Active*: Check the box if this city is to be available for selection now. (Checked by default)
- Click Save.
* Indicates a required field