Payment Type Setup
Payment Types reflect how employees paid for the expenses entered on their expense reports and govern whether an expense is reimbursable to the employee. Typical payment types would be employee funds (either personal credit card or cash) and corporate credit card. Cash would be reimbursable to the employee. A company-paid credit card would not be reimbursable.
To create a Payment Type:
- Expand Expense by clicking on the arrow .
- Click Payment Type
- Click on the Add button.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Payment Type*: Enter a code for the payment type. The maximum length of this field is 20 characters.
- Name*: Enter a name to identify the Payment Type. The maximum length of this field is 100 characters. This name appears on the user's expense report when selecting the payment type used for an expense they are adding.
- Reimbursable*:
- No (CC Only) - Employee liable, Business Charges Paid by Company - Employees receive bills directly for their corporate cards. They are responsible for paying the balances of non-business transactions and the company pays for all business/reimbursable expenses. If there are any business credits on the statement, the employee may not apply those credits toward the bill. The employee must expense out the business credits on an expense report and pay the full amount of all personal charges to the credit card company.
- No (CC Only) - Employee liable (Credit Amount Due by employee), Business Charges Paid by Company - Employees receive bills directly for their corporate cards. They are responsible for paying the balances of non-business transactions and the company pays for all business/reimbursable expenses. If there are any business credits on the statement, the employee may apply the credits toward the bill, but must pay the company the business credit amount.
- No - If the payment type is not reimbursable to the employee.
- Yes - If the payment type is to be reimbursable to the employee.
- Corporate Credit Card*:
- Yes - If the payment type being created is a corporate credit card.
- No - If the payment type being created is not a corporate credit card.
- Restrict Access*:
- Yes - If the payment type is to be restricted and not being available for selection by employees. Example, AMEX payment type cannot be directly selected by employees, but can be used for automated credit card downloads.
- No - If employees are to be able to select this payment type when entering an expense in an expense report.
- Description: Enter text to further identify the Payment Type. This field is limited to 255 characters.
- Active*: Check the box if this payment type is to be available for employee selection now. (Checked by default.)
* Indicates a required field
Example payment types:
Payment Type | Reimbursable to Employee | Corporate Credit Card | Notes |
Cash | Yes | No | Used for out-of-pocket expenses |
American Express CB/CP | No | Yes | Company receives statements and pays balances of corporate cards. |
American Express IB/CP | No (CC Only) - Employee liable, Business Charges Paid by Company (Employee Pays to Company Business Credit Amount) | Yes | Employees receive bills directly for their corporate cards. They are responsible for paying the balances of non-business transactions and the company pays for all business/reimbursable expenses. If there are any business credits on the statement, the employee may apply the credits toward the bill, but must pay the company the business credit amount. |
American Express IB/CP | No (CC Only) - Employee liable, Business Charges Paid by Company | Yes | Employees receive bills directly for their corporate cards. They are responsible for paying the balances of non-business transactions and the company pays for all business/reimbursable expenses. If there are any business credits on the statement, the employee may not apply those credits toward the bill. The employee must expense out the business credits on an expense report and pay the full amount of all personal charges to the credit card company. |
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