V7.3 May 2020
V7.3 May 2020
Updates and Fixed
Admin & General
- TE-9752 Admin - Timesheet Approval Routing is not working when approval entry type is set to time only.
- TE-9783 Admin - Number Fields should be driven by user preference 'Number Format' and it is not working for format ##.###,00
- TE-9759 Upgrade Jasper SSO with AES encryption.
- TE-9712 - Mobile Support to the new Apple keyboard & wkwebview by Apple for July Apple App release.
- TE-9757 Error message shows when user add a line in timesheet and there is no default timecode in the user preference.
- TE-9768 Timesheet - Auto open the Timecode search window when adding a line in the timesheet if there is no default timecode in the preference.
- TE-9762 Accrual - New year not being recognized on employee anniversary.
- TE-9784 Mobile - Time: Employee is able to open timesheet after posted if he did not refresh the dashboard or the list.
, multiple selections available,