V7.3 First Release June 2019
V7.3 First Release June 2019
Admin & Mobile & General
- Improve admin UI and Navigation
- Improve Admin printing of expense and timesheets including receipts in the utilities.
- New Timesheet detail utility: Provides the ability to search at line level of the timesheet for administrators.
- Improve the Widgets with ability to edit the existing widgets.
- Mobile - Improved responsive design to better handle device rotation in tablet and mobile modes.
- Mobile - Support Tablet Mode to view list and detail on the same screen.
- Ability to set Per Diem Rates at the Country, and State level not just the City/Place.
- Ability to set the Approval Based Amount by Currency. If you set the amount based approval now the amount could be based on a currency for example USD, EUR etc. and the system will convert if the currency on the report is different and then it routs to the approval based on the converted amount
- Improve the ability to import WBS allocation and attendees from Excel file.
Time Support to project approval view - Project manager will only see hours that is related to their projects only.
Support ½ increments start and time schedules for Clock In/Out and Time In/Out.
, multiple selections available,