Missing Timesheet

Missing Timesheet

A missing timesheet is a timesheet that is in the "New Timesheet" status and has never been opened by an end user, proxy or an admin used. Administrators can search for missing timesheets in the system, and speed their searches by filtering criteria. Once the missing timesheet is found, an administrator may send an E-mail to the timesheet owner, or print the entire list of results.

To Search for Missing Timesheets

  1. Expand Utilities.
  2. Click on Missing Timesheet.
  3. Enter any search criteria under the filter then click Apply.

A Missing Timesheet can be searched by the following filter parameters:

Filter ParameterDescription
EmployeeRetrieve only the timesheets of the selected employee

First Name

Filter results by First Name
Last NameFilter results by Last Name
Date RangeFilter results by a specific timeframe
Date FromFilter results so only timesheets with ending dates after the selected date are retrieved
Date ToFilter results so only timesheets with ending dates before the selected date are retrieved
Employee TypeFilter results so only timesheets of employees of the selected employee type are retrieved
Operating UnitFilter results by Operating Unit
DepartmentRetrieve timesheets of employees in the selected operating unit/department combination
FunctionFilter results by Function
LocationRetrieve timesheets of employees in the selected location
My GroupRetrieve reports for your selected group, within your approval or proxy groups.
Reporting Type NameRetrieves only timesheets with selected reporting type
Standard HoursFilter timesheets with a specific number of Standard Working Hours requirement
Employee AttributeAllows search for employee timesheets by an attribute assigned to an employee through Additional Fields
Attribute ValueAllows search for employee timesheets with a specific attribute value

To Email User of Missing Timesheets

  1. Expand Utilities.
  2. Click on Missing Timesheet.
  3. Enter any search criteria under the filter then click Apply.
  4. Select Missing Timesheet Row
  5. Select Action
  6. Select Send Mail
  7. Provide email message in the Notes popup
  8. Select Apply

Note: Single or Multiple missing timesheet rows may be selected to send email(s)