Timesheet Detail Search
As an Administrator, you are able to search for timesheet details based on the individual timesheet detail criteria below.
Quick Overview
To perform an Timesheet Detail Search:
Click on Utilities.
Click Timesheet Detail Search.
Filter your search results with the following criteria to the right under the Filter menu . If you do not wish to filter against certain criteria, leave it blank. You must make at least one selection.
The Timesheet Details Search window appears, listing all of the transactions meeting the search criteria.
From this window administrators may view the transactions and other details related to the timesheets.
Below is the list of filter parameters that can be used during the transaction search.
Field | Description |
Employee | Type in User ID, or the name of a user, Retrieve only the timesheet lines of the selected employee |
Event Date From | Filter results so only timesheet lines with dates on or after the selected date are retrieved |
Event Date To | Filter results so only timesheet lines with dates on or before the selected date are retrieved |
Event Date Hour | Filter lines with specific number of hours charged within the selected dates |
Note | Allows search by a specific note on a timesheet line |
Timesheet Date Range | Allows search for by current, last or past day, week, month, year |
Timesheet From | Allows search by timesheet date range rather than detail level date (from criteria) |
Timesheet To | Allows search by timesheet date range rather than detail level date (to criteria) |
Last Modified Date From | Filter results by starting date from which data entries have been last modified |
Last Modified Date To | Filter results by the ending date to which data entries have been last modified |
Employee Type | Retrieve timesheet lines of employees with the selected employee type |
Total Min Hour | Allows searching for timesheet lines that are the same or exceed the number of hours specified in this filter |
Total Max Hour | Allows searching for timesheet lines that are the same or less than the number of hours specified in this filter |
Status | Retrieve only timesheet lines with a particular status |
Time Code | Retrieve timesheet lines charged to the selected time code |
Company | Retrieve timesheet lines of employees in the selected company |
Department | Retrieve timesheet lines of employees in the selected operating unit/department combination |
Function | Retrieve timesheet lines of employees under the selected function |
Location | Retrieve timesheet lines of employees in the selected location |
Level1 | Retrieves only timesheets with selected level 1 |
Level2 | Retrieves only timesheets with selected level 2 |
Level3 | Retrieves only timesheets with selected level 3 |
Level4 | Retrieves only timesheets with selected level 4 |
Employee Attribute | Allows search for timesheet lines by an attribute assigned to an employee through Additional Fields |
Attribute Value | Allows search for timesheet lines, based on a specific attribute value assigned to the owner of a timesheet. |
Process Status | Allows search for timesheet lines based on the process status (posted/not posted) |
Certification | Filter results by user certification |
My Group | Restrict timesheet lines retrieved by search based on the group access rights assigned to the administrator |
Posted To | Retrieve only timesheet lines extracted to the selected Accounting/Billing system |
Post Date >= | Filter based on the postdate being greater than or equal to a specific date |
Post Date <= | Filter based on the postdate being less than or equal to a specific date |
Not Posted To | Retrieve only timesheet lines that have not been extracted to the selected Accounting/Billing system |
Batch No | Retrieve only timesheet lines from the selected batch |
Click the Apply button.