Credit Card EXPRESS-Mobile Entry

Credit Card EXPRESS-Mobile Entry

Credit Card EXPRESS provides an expedited method to apply the credit card charges to an expense report, or to create a new report based on a transaction. This feature is also available on the mobile app.  If Credit Card EXPRESS is enabled, you will see an icon on your homepage as the following

How to use Credit Card EXPRESS via Mobile

  1. Click on Credit Card EXPRESS from the home page.
  2. Step 1: Select and Expense Report: Select the expense report you would like to add the credit card transaction to by pressing the drop down arrow and selecting either an existing expense report from the list or start a brand new expense report by selecting [New-Expense Report] from the drop down list of options.
  3. Step 2: Select ITEMIZE or APPLY to add a single transaction. To add multiple transactions, use the checkmark then click Apply: To select a single transaction or multiple transactions press the checkmark on the bottom left of each transaction and press Apply
  4. You can also swipe the transaction to the left to Delete  a transaction (Deleting a transaction will mark it as a  non-business charge, if this feature is enabled by your company) or swipe to the right to see the additional details.
  5. If you have chosen to start a New Expense Report you will be required to fill out the New Report Cover Page by providing the report Purpose, Date, the distribution. The fields may vary based on your company configuration.
  6. Fill in all required fields, which are marked with an asterisk ( * ). 
  7. Click on NEXT or press the next arrow:
  8. Confirm the distribution details if applicable, press Next
  9. Select an Expense Type to map the transaction to and fill out other required fields as applicable. Press Done when finished
  10. If you reach attachment step then you can attach via:

    1. Album - if you click on  icon to add a receipt/attachment.
    2. Camera - if you click on  icon to take a picture of a receipt and click Done, then click on the checkmark to save the picture.
    3. Repository - if you click on  icon to access your repository if you want to add previously added receipts/attachment, then click on the checkmark and a confirmation window will open "Attach To Expense Line" click YES.
  11. After you have finished adding all of the selected credit card charge(s) then click Done or press and the system will direct you to the report screen where all of the add line items can be viewed. The report can be submitted for approval by pressing Submit or Save & Exit to save the lines and continue working on the report at a later time.  

Additional Features:

Filter  - The funnel icon allows you to filter through the credit card transactions based on the criteria's below. Select 'Transaction' as a Query Type.

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