Receipt EXPRESS-Mobile Entry

Receipt EXPRESS-Mobile Entry

How to use Receipt EXPRESS

  1. Once logged into the app, you will see an option for Receipt EXPRESS.
  2. In the drop down next under ‘Select an expense report:’ select whether you would like to create a new report or add to an existing report.
  3. Select the arrow  to add a single receipt, to add multiple receipts, use the checkmark then click APPLY, and if you have a receipt you would like to attach that is currently not in the list you can do any of the following:
    1. Access your mobile photo gallery by clicking on album icon to add a receipt/attachment.
    2. Taking a picture by clicking on the camera icon  
      1. Snap a photo and click on Retake or Use Photo.
      2. Click Done, then click on the checkmark to save the picture.
  4. Expense details will be filled in or may need to be filled in if not picked up with OCR. This will depend on the orientation and quality of the image.
  5. For corporate credit cards look in section below before moving onto step '6.'
  6. Click on the Next.
  7. Chose an expense type and then fill in any required field (marked with * asterisk).
  8. Click Next.
  9. After finish applying the selected receipt(s) then it will take you to the full view of the report, while you are in the report you could submit or save as a draft to complete the report in later time.

For Corporate Credit Card Transactions 

  1. If the payment type is for a corporate credit card, the system will attempt to match the receipt with a credit card transaction that has been loaded into the application.
  2. You can click on the  icon select a start and end date along with the Min and Max amount to see if you find the match. Note: The receipt amount may not match the loaded credit card amount due to tip that may have been added.


  1. Once you click Apply, the system will retrieve all credit card transactions that match within the range selected.
  2.  If the matching transaction is found, click APPLY on the transaction.
  3.  If you cannot find the transaction in the search list the credit card transaction may have not been loaded into the application. In this case you can set up an alert to notify you when the transaction is available. 
  4. To add an alert, click on the notification  icon on the tool bar.
  5. Click on the add  icon to add a new alert.
  6. Enter in the information of the transaction you would like to receive an alert. You can also enter in an alternate email to receive alerts.
  7. Click NEXT to save the alert
  8. Click Back arrow to return to credit cards transactions.

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