Widget Manager

Widget Manager

In the Widget Manager, you can add, delete, share and update chart and filter widgets. To access the Widget Manager, first you need to be in Admin. The Widget Manager icon  is located on the top right side of the screen underneath 'Dashboard' (Shown in the picture below)

Note that the announcement predefined widget on the home page cannot be deleted (Shown in the picture below)

What it is:What it does:

Widget Manager/
Delete, share and update chart and filter widgets


-Refreshes all widgets on the page
-Page needs to be refreshes when a new widget is created in order for the change to display 

**The only modification that can be done in Widget Manager is the name and the chart type, all other changes must be made by either deleting and creating new (charts) or modifying the filter query (filter)

What can be done in the Widget Manager:

Note that you can only change or update the widgets that you created 

  1. Share/Disable Sharing of a widget with administrators with the same admin “Role” 
    Widgets may only be shared to other administrators who belongs to the same Admin Role. 

    An example of how role sharing works:
    Scenario: A system is set up with three different administrator roles
    Roles -Full Administrator
    -Project Manager
    A "Project Manager" administrator creates and shares a widget. This widget will only be available to other Project Manager admins. The "Full Administrator" and "HR" admin will not see the shared widget for this case.

  2. Permanently Delete a chart or filter widget

What can be updated for Chart Widgets in the Widget Manager:

  1. Widget Form
    1. Sequence Id: Display location 
    2. Name: Widget Name
    3. Display Type: Widget as List or Chart
    4. Chart Type: Bar, Pie or Line

  2. Widget Inner Items

    1. Group by Category: Chart grouping
    2. Group By Display Name: Grouping name that displays on chart
    3. Method: Chart calculation. Count, Sum, Average, Min and Max
    4. By: Column used in calculation method
    5. Decimal Places: Decimal places that will display on actual chart

What can be updated for Filter Widgets in the Widget Manager:

  1. Widget Form
    1. Group by Category: Chart grouping
    2. Group By Display Name: Grouping name that displays on chart
    3. Method: Chart calculation. Count, Sum, Average, Min and Max
    4. By: Column used in calculation method

  2. Widget Inner Items

    1. Group by Category: Chart grouping
    2. Group By Display Name: Grouping name that displays on chart
    3. Method: Chart calculation. Count, Sum, Average, Min and Max
    4. By: Column used in calculation method
    5. Decimal Places: Decimal places that will display on actual chart

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