Chart Widgets

Chart Widgets

Chart widgets give a visual representation of data within the DATABASICS application. Administrators have the flexibility to create a new chart widget anywhere within admin where the Advance Search is available. Once the Advance Search attributes are selected, the administrator will simply need to press “Apply” and then select the Add as Chart Widget link found under the Filter Icon. 

Helpful tips:

**Chart data must be setup correctly for data to make sense (think excel)
**When the Chart Widget window is open remember that the Category (X-Axis) represents the group, which will include data labels on the chart, while the Data (Y-Axis) represents the data (count, sum, average, max, min….) for the group.

Examples of each Chart Widget:

To create a Chart Widget

Scenario 1:  You want to make a pie chart widget showing all of your Expense Report statuses for this year. 

  1. Go to the Admin tab on the top of the screen. 
  2. Select a role and Continue.
    (For this example, we would choose 'Administrators')
  3. Go to Utilities on the left side of the screen and click the plus to extend the Utilities options. 
  4. Go to Expense Report Search.
  5. Under Advanced Search on the right side of the screen, select the Date that you want to show in your widget and Apply.
    (For this example A range of last two months is the dates we chose) 
  6. The Expense Search Utility will now display all expense report created this year.
  7. To make a chart widget, go to the  icon in the toolbar and select Add to Widget  icon
  8. Click the  icon in the Widget Name field to add a new widget
  9. Choose a name for your new chart widget.
    (For this example, the name is "Expense Report by Status")
  10. Next select a Display Type
    1. List: Creates a grid Widget displaying a Name/Value pair
    2. Chart: Creates a Chart Widget
  11. Next select a Chart type (see examples in the picture above)
    a. Line: Best for connecting data points and showing changes in data over time
    b. Column: Best for showing values that are categorized by two separate characteristics
    c: Pie: Best for illustrating numerical proportion
    (For this example, the chart type we would choose is 'Pie')
  12. Click Save
  13. Select a Widget Name which you just entered. "Expense Report by Status"
  14. Select a Group by Category. The categories are almost all of the options under Advanced Search
    (For this example, the category field is 'Status')
  15. Select a Group By Display Name. This is the common name you wish to display on the chart
    (For this example, the display name will be 'Hdr Status Name')
  16. Select the Method (Y-Axis) 'Count' is always the default Calculate Method. 
    1. Count: Counts all the records or rows that are returned in the search
    2. Sum: Total value of all numbers in one column (for numeric columns)
    3. Average: Average of all numbers in one column (for numeric columns)
    4. Max and Min: Maximum or Minimum of all numbers in one column (for numeric columns)
  17. Select the By. How the chart will count, sum, average by.
    (For this example, the by is set to count by report id)
  18. Click Save.
  19. Your widget is now made and added to the Dashboard under Admin 
    **(After editing and adding the widget, refresh in order for the change to display on the Home page)

    Here is what your Chart Widget would look like:

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