Importing expense entries

Importing expense entries

After entries are made manually or loaded via template they need to be imported in order to view the expense report.

Importing options

  • Import All - Importing all records that are new and never imported.

  • Import By Batch - A batch ID will need to be entered. The batch ID would have been entered either on the manual entry or in the template.

  • Import By Line - All lines that are checked from the list will be imported.

  • Import By Line & Batch - Imports the lines selected or by batch ID. If you are chose to only import those by line, a batch ID is still needed. You can put any value to by pass the required field.

Once the records are imported, a pop up window will show with messages related to successful import, warnings, or errors. Review the warning and errors and make any updates necessary. Upon successful import, the entries will be viewable on the expense report.