Run in Background
Running a job in the background generates a report, potentially long-running, without affecting performance. You can keep working in the server as the job runs. When the job completes, you can export the report directly to any format and save it in the repository. You can share a report with others by sending the generated report by email. It is recommended to run large reports that contains more than 500 pages in the Background so your session does not timeout.
Running a job in the background is equivalent to scheduling the report to run immediately without recurrence.
To run a report in the background:
- Locate the report you would like to run.
- Right-click the report or dashboard and select Run in Background from the context menu
- On the Output Options screen:
- File name - The base name for the output file in the repository. This name must be unique; if you attempt to create a schedule with the same file name as an existing output file, you will not be able to save.
- Description – The optional description of the file that appears to users who view the repository. (Optional)
- Time Zone – The output time zone for generating the report.
- Output Locale – The locale settings for generating the report. (Optional)
- Output formats: Select at least one format. Select one or more formats; the default format is PDF. When you select more than one, each format is stored as a separate file in the selected output destination.
- File Handling – Select one or more checkboxes to specify handling for multiple output files with the same name:
Overwrite Files – Overwrites old output files with newer ones of the same name.
Sequential File Names by Timestamp – Appends a timestamp to the names of files created by the job. Useful for the output of recurring jobs or for time-sensitive reports where the output must be dated. When the timestamp is used, the output filename is <basename>-<timestamp>.<extension>. Note that, depending on the frequency of the schedule and the format of the timestamp, it may be possible to have two output files with the same name; in this case, modify the timestamp or use the Overwrite Files checkbox to specify the behavior you want.
• Timestamp Pattern – When Sequential File Names by Timestamp is selected, a required pattern for the timestamp, based on the java.text.SimpleDateFormat is required. Valid patterns for output files can contain only letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and periods. The default pattern is yyyyMMddHHmm, for example 200906150601.
- Output Destination – To save the output file, select one or more checkboxes to specify the output location. If you do not want to save the report output (for example, if you only want to email the report) leave all checkboxes blank.
- Output To Repository – If checked, saves the report output to the specified location in the repository. You must have write permission to the output folder. JasperReports Server validates the path when you click Save and will display an error message if the location doesn't exist. (Default Option)
- Output Destination – To save the output file, select one or more checkboxes to specify the output location. If you do not want to save the report output (for example, if you only want to email the report) leave all checkboxes blank.
- Output To Host File System – Option not available
- Output To FTP Server – If checked, saves the report output to the specified FTP server. You must have write permission to the selected directory on the FTP server. Enter the following properties of your FTP server:
- Server Address – The host, IP address or URL of the FTP server.
- Port – Specifies the FTP connection port. For FTP, the default port is 21; for FTPS, the default port is 990; for SFTP, the default port is 22.
- Transfer Protocol – Specifies the file transfer protocol that the server uses. You can select one of the following:
- FTP.
- FTPS (FTP over SSL).
- SFTP (FTP over SSH). If selected, the SSH Key Authentication checkbox and SSH private key fields appear.
- SSH Key Authentication. Check if the server requires an SSH private key for SFTP transfers.
- Path to SSH Private Key. When SSH Key Authentication is checked, the location of the SSH private key in the repository is required.
- SSH Key Passphrase. When SSH Key Authentication is checked, enter the passphrase for the SSH private key, if it has one.
- Directory – The directory on the FTP server where the report output is saved.
- Username – The username for access to the FTP server.
- Password – The password for the username.
4. If your reports have input controls, click on the "Parameters" tab to update the values.
5. To set up the email notifications for the schedule click on the "Notifications" tab.
- Email Notification:
- To: One or more email addresses separated by commas for sending email notification.
- CC: One or more email addresses separated by commas for sending an email notification on the CC line.
- BCC: One or more email addresses separated by commas for sending blind carbon-copy email notification; the addresses in this field are not revealed to the other recipients.
- Subject: The subject line of the notification email.
- Message Text: The text of the e-mail.
Choose one of the radio buttons to specify how email recipients access the output:
• Include reports/dashboards as repository links in email body – Sends a link to the output in the repository. Not available unless Output to Repository is selected on the Output Options tab.
• Include report/dashboard files as attachments – Sends the output as attachments to the notification email. If you have selected multiple output formats, each one is attached as a separate file to the email notification.
• Include report/dashboard files as ZIP attachment – Zips all outputs into a single archive file before attaching to the email.
• Include HTML report in email body – Displays the report directly in the email body. This option is available only when Include report files as attachments or Include report files as ZIP attachment is checked and HTML is selected as one of the options on the Output File Options page. When this option is selected, you cannot include a message in the email body. This option is not available for dashboards.Be careful when sending reports containing sensitive data by email, either in the email body or as an attachment.
Do not send emails for empty reports – A check box option that, if checked, prevents the server from attaching empty report output files to email notifications. This applies to parametrized reports where there is no data that matches the parameters. This option is not available for dashboards.
- Email Notification:
- Send job status notifications:
Enter one or more email addresses to send notification of job success or failure to administrators:
- To – One or more email addresses separated by commas for sending email notification.
- Subject – The subject line of the notification email.
- Send success notification – Check box option that, when checked, sends a notification when the scheduled job runs.
- Success Message – The message in the body of the notification email sent on success
- Send failure notification – Check box option that, when checked, sends a notification when the scheduled job fails to run.
- Failure Message – The message in the body of the notification email sent on failure.
- Include report/dashboard job information – A check box option that, if selected, includes the report or dashboard's label, ID, description, and job status in the notification email.
- Include stack trace – A check box option that, if selected, includes the stack trace for failed jobs in the body of the email.
6. Once completed click on "Submit" at the bottom.
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