Edit an Existing Report

To edit an existing expense report ,Go to My Expenses on the dashboard of the mobile app.

  1. Locate the report from the list.
  2. Expense toolbar Options:
     to start a new report
     to view reports
     to filter reports
  3. Expense Report Options:
    to edit a selected report
      to delete a selected report
       to copy the selected report and a create a new report
  4. Additionally the following icons are available from the report list page:
     to view attachments
        to view validation messages attached to a report

Editing an existing expense line

  1. Click on the  icon.
  2. This will take you to the expense details page. Make changes as needed and click on .
  3. If you need to add/remove an attachment you can do so in this next step. Click Done when action is completed.

Editing the Distribution

  1. Click on the  icon on the expense line.
  2. Click the  icon to Add additional distribution lines in case the expense lines on this report should be distributed across multiple projects.
  3. Select a line and click the icon to Edit an existing distribution line.
  4. Swipe a line from right to left then click the  icon to Delete an existing distribution line.
  5. Click on the  icon to Distribute the expense allocation evenly across the existing distribution lines. 
     Note: To be able to see this button make sure to unselect any of the selected line by clicking on it one more time. If a distribution line is highlighted in blue, this indicates that the line is selected.
    1. Swipe the line from right to left then click the  icon to Copy & Create a new distribution line. 

Editing the Cover Page

  1. Click on the sub menu tab to access the report menu options.
  2. Click on Cover Page
  3. Click the icon to  Edit
  4. First screen will allow you to edit the Purpose and Notes section.
  5. Click on  to save changes.