System Audit

System Audit

System Audit provides the ability to review all updates, inserts and deletes that have been performed in the admin module. Results may be queried by the following:

  • Date From
  • Date To
  • Operator
  • Action (Delete, Insert and Update)

The system retrieves the following data elements:

Object TypeThe actual module accessed when change occurred.
Trace DateDate time of the action.

The user who executed the action.

ActionInsert, Delete and Update
SummaryDisplays the changes and record information.

To enable System Audit, you would need to go to the SecurityRole Manager select the role you want to enable System Audit and then click on add and select Security System Audit and save.

System Audit provides you with System Usage Report.  To access the report to Admin → Security → System Audit then click on Reports → System Usage Report.