Travel Authorization.

Travel Authorization.

A Travel Authorization (TA) is used to request pre-approval of potential expenses as well as an advance to cover those expenses. It is submitted in a similar fashion as an expense report.

To request a Travel Authorization:

  1. Click on Expense on the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on Create a New Report and select the TA Report from the drop down (name of report may differ per client).
  3. On the Cover Page enter the following:
    1. Purpose
    2. Start and End Dates
    3. Currency - May be enabled 
    4. City - May be enabled
    5. Cash Advance Request
    6. Any required WBS or Distribution information
  4. To save, click on Create Report
  5. The system will automatically take you to the Expenses screen where you can Add Expenses in addition to the cash advance request. 
  6. Once completed, you can Submit the report for approval.

To Apply a Travel Authorization to an Expense Report:

Once the TA Report has been approved, you can attach the TA report to the actual expense report.

  1. Click on Expense on the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on Create a New Report and select the report type that allows you to create a report based on an TA Report.
  3. Select Travel Expense (Allows Attached of TA) and select the TA Report from the menu. The name of the report will vary.
  4. You will be taken to the Cover Page and then the Expenses.

To Replace Linked Travel Authorization to Report Based on TA:

In Versions 8.2 and higher, Proxies have the ability to replace the TA linked to a report. The following configuration must be in place in order for the Proxy to be able to replace the TA linked to a report.

  1. Enable Allow Proxy to Replace TA with another TA if TA is required from the list page in the T&E Access setup
  • From the Administrator menu expand the Security --> T&E Access links
  • Select the T&E Access group assigned to the proxies
  • Click the Assign Access tab in the bottom window pane
  • Click Add to add the new access rights
  • In the Access Setting pop-up window locate and select the follow option:
    • Allow Proxy to Replace TA with another TA if TA is required
  • Click OK to insert the new access right

To Replace the Linked Report:

  1. Click Expense Proxy from the application’s homepage. This will bring up a query page
  1. Proxies can search for expense reports via:
    1. Report ID
    2. User First or Last Name (Use the icon to search or begin typing the first or last name)
  2. After filling out the desired fields, click Search
    1. Locate the travel authorization report that you would like to replace the linked TA for
  3. Under Actions click the options menu


      5. From the dropdown menu click Replace TA Report 1012. The report ID will vary


      6. In the Replace TA report pop-up window you can search for the replacement report by Report ID or Name 

       7. Once the report has been selected, add any notes then click Apply

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