Create Report

To Create a New Expense Report using a mobile app:

  1. Click on Create New Report or My Expenses

  2. If "Create New Report" was clicked in Step 1 please proceed to Step 3. Click on the icon as highlighted below to create a new report
  3. Select a type of report from the drop down menu of options. The drop down list is only available when more than one report type has been made available to you by an administrator. Contact your administrator if you are unsure of which type of report to use.
  4. The first screen is the report cover page. Fill in the fields on report cover page. Fields marked with a * are required. (Fields may vary depending on the businesses' requirements and/or type of report selected)
    1. Purpose: Enter brief description of an expense report here
    2. Start Date: Enter the range of dates that covers your list of receipts for this expense report
    3. End Date: Enter the range of dates that covers your list of receipts for this expense report
  5. If an expense report covers more than one project or department, the charges may be required to be distributed over those projects or departments. The fields listed below may or may not be available for selection based on the configuration chosen by your company.
  6. Enter the Expense Code, if applicable, to indicate if a charge is direct or indirect.
  7.  Fill out Level 1, level 2, level 3 fields of your work breakdown structure as applicable. Usually these fields are relabeled (as Project, Account, Activity, Client, Task, Contract etc) to match your company's work breakdown structure labels. A search capability is available for these fields. To search for a record, click on the field and select an option from the list on the bottom of the screen.

    1. To select a specific record click on the following icon .
    2. If the selection icon is not available, the selected record requires drilling down to the next level of  breakdown structure using the arrow icon .
  8. If available, select a Company and Department in the applicable fields..
    • Use the search functionality if needed to fill in these fields.
  9. Enter the %Allocation. it defaults to 100%
  10. Enter in Notes if applicable.
  11. Additional distributions can be added on the next page if necessary.

This distribution from the cover page of the report will become the default for the rest of the expense report. The distribution for individual expenses can be modified, if required.

When finished entering the data, click the Next button to go to the Distribution screen to be able to add additional distribution lines if applicable.

Distribution screen:

  1. Click Add icon   to add additional distribution lines in cases where the expense lines on the current report should be distributed across multiple projects.
  2. Select a line and click Edit icon to edit an existing distribution line
  3. To Delete a Distribution line Swipe a line from Right to Left
  4. Then click Delete icon  to delete an existing distribution line
  5. Click Distribution icon  to distribute expense allocation evenly across the existing distribution lines. To be able to see this button make sure to deselect any of the selected line by clicking on it one more time. If a distribution line is highlighted in blue, this indicates that the line is selected.
  6. To Copy & Add a new distribution first Swipe a line from Right to Left
  7. Then click the Copy & Add icon .

Once done click on Done  button.

This will take you to the Expenses screen where you can add individual expense lines. Proceed with the steps of Adding Expense Lines.