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Per diem is used to reimburse employees a flat daily rate (per diem) for meals/incidentals and lodging rather than reimbursing actual expenses. DATABASICS Expense supports three types of per diem: meals per diem, lodging per diem or maximum (combined meals and lodging) per diem. Per diem rates are based on organizational structure (OBS), date, city and currency. Per diem may be reduced in certain circumstances. Expense supports deductions for partial travel days (allowance), multiple cities in the same day (multi city rule) and mixing per diem and meals or lodging expenses on the same day (deduction).

Expense also supports validation of actual expenses against published per diem rates and automatic reallocation of overages to unallowable accounts as an alternative to reimbursing employees flat daily rates. This feature is covered in a separate document entitled "Expense WBS Rules".

Preliminary Steps

Before a functioning per diem structure can be built, the following preliminary steps need to be completed in Admin.

OBS Structure

Per diem rates can be setup based on Operating Unit, Department or Location. The attribute on which this is based on can be setup under T&E Options. The rates can be setup based on one of these attributes only. That is, the rates cannot be based on a combination of Operating Unit and Location. Once the attribute is selected under T&E Options, only that attribute will appear in the rate setup screen.

Per diem-format expense type

  1. In the Expense Type setup, create at least one per diem-format expense type.
  2. Complete the fields other than those specifically mentioned below in the same fashion as in creating any expense type.
  3. In the Format Type field, select the appropriate per diem type:
    • Max Per Diem - If you are creating a per diem expense type that covers both meals and lodging.
    • Meals Per Diem Only - If you are creating a per diem expense type that covers only meals.
    • Lodging Per Diem Only - If you are creating a per diem expense type that covers only lodging
  4. In the Category if Other field, you may specify meal per diem expense type deductions to be applied individually towards breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This is not required, but may be useful if you prefer to track deductions based on meal breakout.
  5. In the City Field, select Yes.

Meals Per Diem with Actual Hours

Support Pocket Money for per diem. See Allowance Rule

Support meal deduction percentages based on time out of office. See Deduction Rule

This feature allows users to enter the actual time leaving and returning to the office. Similar to the default meals per diem setup, up to four allowance rules may be created for the out of office tracking of the Meal Per Diem expense type. This is done by selecting the minimum and maximum hour ranges for each of the "Out of Office" labels in the Per Diem Hours tab (This tab will not display until Per Diem Hours field is set to Yes and expense type has been saved). For example, if a user is only to be paid a full days meals per diem rate when they are out of office more than 15 hours, a row would be added to the Per diem Hours tab for "All Day" with a minimum of 15.01 and maximum of 24. The hour maximum and minimum must be between 0.00 and 24 and have no overlapping times.

1. In the Per Diem Hours field, select Yes
2. Click Save
3. Click Per Diem Hours in left column of expense type
4. Add up to four ranges for time out of office

See Allowance Rule for managing allowances

Multiple City Same Day Travel

Meals Per Diem expense types with Per Diem Hours enable allows for multiple city same day travel. When this occurs on an expense report the Per Diem allowance will either a single highest or lowest Per Diem rate for this days travel, depending on system setup.


Specific per diem rates are assigned to cities. The country/state/city structure should be set up before entering corresponding rates. If government rates are loaded (see: Loading Government Per Diem Data ) then cities will be automatically loaded as well so that no further action in this section is necessary.

Go to the City Setup section for information on how to manually add cities to the application.

Expired Cities

When a city is no longer contained within the government file, the application marks that city as "expired" based on the date it was removed from the government's data. If that city is used on a date after its expiration, a zero rate will apply. However, if the city is used on a date before its expiration, the corresponding non-zero rate will apply. If an expired city is selected, a notification will appear explaining that the city is no longer valid. Note: some may have a notation of "Expired" if at one point the city was expired and may be re-enabled. 


Regions or other values could occupy the city tables, such as High City, Medium City and Low City

Example of Setup of Per Diem Features Added in Version 5.5.1.

This is a "How to" scenario to aid in setting up the new features added to support European Unition (EU) meals per diem requirements. The scenario will provide an example case and demonstrate how the administrator would setup the per diem meals Expense type with hour tracking enabled, the Allowance rules with "pocket money" enabled, and Deduction Rules with a percentage  deduction based on an employees duration out of the office.

Note: The new functionality does on affect existing meals per diem setup and has been added to support meals per diem regulations in EU.

 So whats new in Version 5.5.1 and up? DATABASICS has added functionality to accommodate meals per diem setups that require:

  1. The ability to track time for Per Diem Meals expense types (when enabled). This allows tracking of time out-of-office down to the minute on expense entry. Departure and Arrival times are then used to calculate the per diem rate based on user duration out of the office.
  2. The ability to apply a percentage deduction per meal provided that is based on the users time out of the office.
  3. The ability to support "Pocket Money" an incidental charge that is percentage added on top the per diem rate.

Please note this example is only to aid in the setup of the new meals per diem features added in version 5.5.1. For meals per diem setups that do not require these features please refer to the standard per diem setup outside this example.

The following is an overview of how the meals per diem setup with track actual time, pocket money and meals deduction based on hours may look during setup. These steps demonstrate

  • Step 1 the expense type setup with per diem hours tracking enabled
  • Step 2 the allowance rule setup with pocket money support
  • Step 3 the deduction rule setup with meals deduction percentage based on users time out of office

Example Requirements

Allowance Rule Requirements for example: This will be referenced in (Step1 and Step 2)

          A. If the employee stays over 18 hours abroad

               Employee will be assigned with full per diem rate

          B. If the employee stays over 12 hours abroad and less than 18 hours

               Employee will be assigned with 3/4 or 75% per diem rate

          C. If the employee stays over 4 hour abroad but less than 12 hours

               Employee will be assigned with Half Day or 50% per diem rate

          D. If the employee stays from 1 hour abroad but less than 4 hours

               Employee will be assigned ¼ or 25% per diem rate

Pocket Money Requirements for example: This will be referenced in (Step 2)

          Employee will receive a 20% Pocket Money added to the per diem rate.

          Per diem rate * .20 = Pocket money amount

Meals Deduction Requirements for example: This will be referenced in (Step 3)

 If there is a meal (which is included e.g. in the accommodation costs) provided during the trip, following deduction is made - for each meal provided:

          i. 70% deduction from the per diem rate for each meal provided

             If the employee stays over 1 hour abroad but less than 4 hours

          ii. 50% deduction from per diem rate for each meal provided

             If the employee stay over 4 hours abroad but less than 12 hours

          ii. 35 % deduction from base PDR for each meal provided

             If the employee stays over 12 hours abroad and less than 18 hours

          iii. 25 % deduction from base PDR for each meal provided

             If the employee stays over 18 hours abroad

Step 1:

Expense type setup for Meals Per Diem Only format with Hours Tracking enabled

Hours tracking is an optional setting that is selected on the initial setup, by default hours tracking is set to "No." This step shows hour to configure the hours mapping for "Per Diem Meals Only" expense types that have per diem hours enabled.

  1. Click on Expense to expand the menu.
  2. Click on Expense Type.
  3. Click the Add button in the Expense Type window.
  4. In the ID field, enter an ID for the Expense Type.
  5. In the Expense Group field, select the expense type group to which the expense type will belong
  6. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the expense type.
  7. In the Restrict Access field, select Yes or No
  8. In the Description field, enter text to further identify the expense type.
  9. In the Format Type field, select Meals Per Diem Only.
  10. In the City field, select Yes
  11. In the Per diem hours field, select Yes. This enable the hours mapping option after the expense type has been saved.
  12. In the Meals Provided, select Yes if to enable the meals provided option or No if not applicable. For this example the meals provided will be enabled so Step 3 can be demonstrated.
  13. In the Recurring Charge field, select Yes or No. For example the recurring charge will be enabled.
  14. Select Save

Once the new Expense type has been saved an additional navigation link will display in the left column named Per diem Hours. This allows entry of the hours mapping for this expense type. For this example the following steps will demonstrate how the "All Day", which is defined in "A" of Allowance Rule Requirements, setup is configured.

    15. Select Per diem hours from the left navigation
    16. Select Add
    17. In new row select the Out of Office cell, then select All Day from the drop-down list
    18. In Minimum Hour cell, enter the minimum hour "18.00" for All Day mapping.
       (Refer to "A" in Allowance Requirements for this example)
    19. In Maximum Hour cell, enter the maximum hour "24.00" for All Day mapping.
       (Refer to "A" in Allowance Requirements for the example)
    20. In Description cell, enter description for out of office
    21. Select Save All

These steps would need to be repeated for example allowance requirements B, C, and D to complete expense type hours mapping.

This completes the Expense type setup for this example. Next the Allowance Rule will need to be configured.

Step 2:

Allowance Rule Setup for Per Diem with Pocket Money

Please note the only change to the Allowance setup is the addition of the "Pocket Money" column. By default the Pocket Money column will be set to "0.00" for all new and existing per diem allowances. Below we have listed the Pocket Money requirements for this example and the steps will show how to set this allowance up for an example Operating Unit name "EUROPE"

Pocket Money Requirements
          Employee in the "EUROPE" operating unit will receive a 20% Pocket Money added to the per diem rate.

          Per diem rate * .20 = Pocket money amount

  1. Expand Expense
  2. Expand Per Diem Setup
  3. Click Allowance Rule
  4. Click the Add button
  5. In the Effective Date field, select when this allowance rule will become effective. For this example and effective date of "01/01/2014"
  6. In the Operating Unit field, select an operating unit if the allowance will only apply to one home operating unit. For this example the allowance rule will only apply to the operating unit named "EUROPE".
  7. The next 3 fields Country, State and City allow the allowance setup to be restricted to specific location(s). For this example the Country, City and State fields will be set to "---", this applies the allowance rule to all countries, states and cities for the "EUROPE" home operating unit.
  8. In the Out Of Office field, select All Day.
  9. In the Per Diem Type field, select Meals Per Diem Rate
  10. In the Rate Type field, select Percentage of per diem
  11. In the Currency field, select currency if needed. For this example the currency field will be left empty
  12. In the Value/Percentage field, set value to "100," since All day in step "A" is 100% of the per diem rate
  13. In the Pocket Money field, select the incidental amount the user will receive on top of the per diem rate. For this example the Pocket Money we changed from the default "0.00" to 20 so the employee will receive an additional 20% on top of the per diem rate.
  14. Select Save

To complete the Allowance rule setup for this example the steps would be repeated cases B, C, and D of the Allowance rule requirements listed above.
This completes the Allowance rule setup with a 20% addition of Pocket Money. The next and final setup for the example is to setup the Deduction Rule.

Step 3:

Meals Deduction Requirements Setup with deduction based on hours out of the office

As listed in example the Meals Deduction Requirements are as follows:

          i. 70% deduction from the per diem rate for each meal provided

             If the employee stays over 1 hour abroad but less than 4 hours

          ii. 50% deduction from per diem rate for each meal provided

             If the employee stay over 4 hours abroad but less than 12 hours

          ii. 35 % deduction from base PDR for each meal provided

             If the employee stays over 12 hours abroad and less than 18 hours

          iii. 25 % deduction from base PDR for each meal provided

             If the employee stays over 18 hours abroad

The example requirements call for a percentage deduction to be applied per meal that is provided to the user, but as listed above the percentage will change depending of the users amount of time out of office. For example, if we look at requirement "i" we can see that a 25% deduction is applied for each meal that is provided if a user is out of the office a full day. So if a user takes 2 meals there would be a deduction of 50% applied to the per diem rate (25% for meal 1 and 25% for meal 2 = 50%)
The following steps will show how the deduction rules are setup for requirement "i" when a "Breakfast" meal is provided to a user and that user has enough hours for an "full day" per diem rate.

  1. Expand the Expense menu
  2. Expand the Per Diem Setup menu
  3. Click Per Diem Deduction
  4. Click the Add button
  5. In the Effective Date field, enter date from which this deduction will be effective. For this example the effective date will be "01/01/2014"
  6. For this example the Country, City and State fields will be set to "---", this applies the deduction rule to all countries, states and cities.
  7. In the ID field, select [Breakfast Provided Rule Based]. This tells the system to apply this deduction for the breakfast provided check box on the expense type.
  8. In the Value Type field, select % of original rate for full day. This tells the system to apply this deduction if the user was out of the office for a full day.
  9. In the Breakout Type, select Yes, apply to adjusted per diem rate
  10. In the Value/Percentage, enter "25". This applies the 25% deduction for this meal as state in "i" of example requirements.
  11. For the example the Currency field left empty.
  12. In the Per Diem Type field, select Meals Per Diem Rate
  13. Select Save

These steps will need to be repeated for all meals provided options (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) and for all of the out of office options (*% of original rate for full day, % of original rate for ¾ day, % of original rate for ½ day, % of original rate for ¼ day*) to complete the Deduction rule step.

This completes the example of the Hours Tracking and Pocket Money Example.

Once the setup is completed an additional setup change will need to be made by DATABASICS to allow incidentals, if applicable.

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