Modify hours on a timesheet without changing the Clock In/Clock Out details:
Note: As of now the edits to the clock in/clock out details are not available via mobile app. Please log in the web-application to make the necessary edits or contact your system administrator to make those edits for you.
- Click on the Home screen on top left corner of the window to go back to the menu list of items
- Press the menu button and select My Timesheets
- Select a timesheet to modify and click on the Edit icon on the right of the timesheet
- Once the timesheet is open click on the edit icon on the line you want to modify the distribution details (if there is more than one line)
- In the Hours For Line screen update the Hours field and click SAVE button Or when done with the modifications
- To add a Note on the line level or a Note attached to a specific date, click on the following icon and after adding a note the icon will be like this and by clicking on it you can update note.
- To view the clock in/clock out details and the google location of the user when clocking in or clocking out of the session, click on the following iconsicon (this is not updatable):
- To add a new distribution line without clock in/clock out details click on Add New+ button on the bottom of the page
- To view/run out-of-the box PDF reports, click on the following icon: