Time allows you, as the admin, to specify how the application validates certain scenarios. There are up to three options that you may choose from.
- Validation ErrorFailed (Notes might be required): Time will not allow the user to submit the timesheet until this error is resolved or a note is provided.
- Validation Warning: Time will warn the user that there is a potential error , but will still allow the user to submit the timesheet. TimeSite will also flag that line.
- Ignore: Time will ignore this scenario.
Validation Option | Description | Available Selections |
A required explanation is not provided | Required notes were not added to a line. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
Custom validation | A custom validation has been triggered | Validation |
Failed (Notes Might be Required) |
Hours charged to duplicate WBS entries
There are two identical lines on the timesheet with hours charged to them.
Function is invalid | The function on the timesheet does not match the function in the employee's profile. May occur if the employee's function has changed after the timesheet was created. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
WBS entries with no hours charged
There are lines on the timesheet with no hours charged to it.
Hours charged exceed employee max hours | The timesheet has more hours than the max hours per day listed in the employee's profile. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
Hours charged outside employee hire/termination dates | Hours are charged to dates outside |
the termination dates on the employee's profile. | Validation |
Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore | ||
Hours charged outside WBS open/close dates | Hours are charged outside of the open/close dates on any WBS Level. | Validation |
Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
Function is invalid Validation
The function on the timesheet does not match the function in the employee's profile. May occur if the employee's function has changed after the timesheet was created.
Validation Error
Validation Warning
Hours charged exceed employee max hours
The timesheet has more hours than the max hours per day listed in the employee's profile.
Hours charged to duplicate WBS entries | There are two identical lines on the timesheet with hours charged to them. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) |
Location is invalid | The location on the timesheet does not match the location in the employee's profile. May occur if the employee's location has changed after the timesheet was created. | Validation |
Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore | |
OBS is invalid | The organization structure is invalid. An operating unit or department may have changed or become inactive |
Validation Error
. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore | |
Time code assignments by timesheet dates | If the time entered on the date is not within the time code assignment start and end date. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
Time in/Time out entries overlap | When a time in and out overlaps each other for the day. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
Validate detail meal break | Ensures compliance with meal break regulations for each shift | Validation Warning Ignore |
Validate detail rest break | Ensures compliance with rest break regulations for each shift | Validation Warning Ignore |
Validate summary meal break | Ensures compliance with meal break regulations for the day | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
Validate summary rest break | Ensures compliance with rest break regulations for the day | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) Validation Warning Ignore |
WBS entries with no hours charged | There are lines on the timesheet with no hours charged to it. | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required) |
WBS is invalid | The wbs structure is invalid. The wbs structure may have changed or become inactive. | Validation |
Validation Warning
A required explanation is not provided
Required notes were not added to a line.
Failed (Notes Might be Required) |