How set the Job Schedules to skip on holidays or a specific day?

We have daily/weekly schedules that we would like to skip on Dec 24 and Dec 27 since those are holidays. An example schedule we want to skip is the missing timesheets reminder on both of these days. 


  1. Login to admin
  2. Go to Job Schedule → Skip Job Schedule
  3. Add a new Skip Job Schedule by clicking on Add at the top or use an existing one if there is one from last year.
  4. Give the Skip Job Schedule a Name and then click on Save
  5. Once you add a Skip Schedule then click on Scheduled Off Dates.
  6. Click on Add to set when the schedule should be skipped. In the DateType drop down you have the following options:
    1. Specific Date - to set a specific date
    2. FixedMonthAndDay - to set a specific month and day to be repeated each year
    3. NthWeekday - to set a specific month and specific week day (example first monday)
    4. WeekdayBetween - to set a specific month, week day, and a date range
    5. AsiaLunarDate - to set the Lunar Date
    6. SolarTermDate - to set the Solar Term Date
  7. Example of a specific dates setup.
  8. Repeat the steps above to add any additional dates to skip in the schedule. 
  9. Once you complete the schedule, go to Job Schedule → All Jobs and select the job you want to skip. At the bottom of the job, in the field Skip Job Schedule select the newly created Skip Schedule in step 3.
  10. Click Save