Once the report is complete click Submit Report
- Step 1: Upload Receipts.
- Use the receipt uploader tool to upload receipts
- Once the user is finished or if there is no scanner available, click Next.
- Step 2: Apply Advances or Pre-paid Transactions
- If have any outstanding advances, you will be prompted to apply them to this Expense Report
- If you do not have any outstanding advances, this step will be skipped.
- Step 3: Validate Expense Report.
- This will notify you of any expense violations or missing information. If there is an error the user can click on the expense here to go back and correct it.
- If the Report passed the Validation, click Next.
- Step 4: Confirm.
- If you are using the fax service:
- Click the Print Barcode Report check box.
- Click Finish. This will print out a fax cover sheet with a barcode identifying your expense report.
- Fax the report and receipts to the number on the cover sheet.
Go to our Receipt Imaging Service page for detailed instructions on how to fax receipts
- If you are not using the fax service:
- Click Finish
- You will be returned to the My Expenses.
- If you are using the fax service:
This will complete the expense report and submit to the appropriate approver(s).