- Mobile - Improved responsive design to better handle device rotation in tablet and mobile modes.
- Admin - Improve performance.
- Admin - Enable Filters on Subtabs with list data.
- Admin - Credit Card Utility Setup is now available online.
- API Supports now the ability to import timesheets and expenses for external source.
- Note: IE 11 is no longer support as of 7.5 and higher. To view support browsers click here
- Mobile - Expense Offline out of pocket expenses including receipts stored offline and uploaded to Receipt EXPRESS once the user is connected online.
- Time and Expense Approval - Display cross Timesheets or Expenses to approve for the same user
- Expense Approval - Ability to lookup any reports or timesheet that manager rejected in the past.
- Receipt itemization is available on receipt express while viewing the receipt or adding an expense to the report.