Column ID | Column Name (From DBLabels.properties) | Data Type | Description |
ATT_COMPANY | Attendee Company | String | Attendee Company |
ATT_EMPLY_ID | Attendee ID | String | Attendee Employee ID if the employee was an attendee or NPI Number if the doctor was selected as an attendee. If the Attendee is not in the DATABASICS system as a shared attendee than the ATT_EMPY_ID is null. |
ATT_NAME | Attendee Name | String | Attendee Full Name |
ATT_TITLE | Attendee Title | String | Attendee Title |
COMP_BALANCE_CC | Due by Company to CC | Decimal | Expense Report - Company Total Amount due to Credit Card for that specific expense line charge |
COMP_BALANCE_EMP | Due by Company to Employee | Decimal | Expense Report - Company Total Amount due to Employee for that specific expense line charge |
DEPT_CODE | Home Department Code | String | Home Department Code |
EMP_ACTIVE | Active Employee | String | Employee Active Yes or No |
EMP_BALANCE_CC | Due by Employee to CC | Decimal | Expense Report - Employee Total Amount due to Credit Card for that specific expense line charge |
EMPLY_ID | Employee ID | String | Employee Id |
EMPLY_TYPE | Employee Type Code | String | Employee Type ID |
EMPLY_TYPE_NAME | Employee Type | String | Employee Type Name |
EXP_TYPE | Expense Type Code | String | Expense Type ID Charge that contains attendees |
EXP_TYPE_NAME | Expense Type | String | Expense Type Name Charge that contains attendees |
GROUP_TITLE | Line Description | String | Contains the default Expense Type name or the Credit Card Description charge. |
GRP_EXP_ID | Expense Type Group ID | String | Expense Type Group ID for the charged Expense Type |
GRP_EXP_NAME | Expense Type Group | String | Expense Type Group Name for the charge Expense Type |
HDR_PLACE_NAME | Cover Page Place Name | String | Expense Report Place Name if existing on the Report Cover Page. |
HDR_TITLE | Report Title | String | Report Tile |
HOME_DEPT_NAME | Home Department | String | Home Department Name |
HOME_OPT_NAME | Home Operating Unit | String | Home Operating Unit Name |
LAST_FIRST | Full Name (Last, First) | String | Employee/User Last Name, First Name |
LOCK_BY | Locked by | String | Locked by if the expense report is in Status: Open or Closed |
MAIN_GROUP_TITLE | Credit Card Charge Description | String | Contains the itemized main group if there are itemized charges. |
NOTE | Note | String | Attendee Line Level Note |
OPT_CODE | Home Operating Unit Code | String | Home Operating Unit Code |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 | Other Employee ID1 | String | Employee Other id1 that is mapped to OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 in the employee table |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID2 | Other Employee ID2 | String | Employee Other id2 |
PAY_ID | Payment Type ID | String | Payment Type ID per the expense line |
PAY_ID_NAME | Payment Type | String | Payment Type Name per the expense line |
HDR_PLACE_NAME | Place Name | String | Expense Report Place Name if existing on the Report Cover Page.(ex. City field) |
REF_NUM | Reference Number | String | Expense Line Reference Number |
REIMBURSE_ALCOHOL | Business Alcohol Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/ Business Amount for Alcohol to Employee |
REIMBURSE_AMOUNT | Total Business Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Amount |
REIMBURSE_TAX | Business Tax1 Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Tax 1 Amount |
REIMBURSE_TAX2 | Business Tax2Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Tax 2 Amount |
REIMBURSE_TIP | Business Tip Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Tip Amount |
REPORT_ID | Report ID | Integer | Report ID |
REPORT_TYPE | Report Type Code | String | Report Type ID |
REPORT_TYPE_NAME | Report Type | String | Report Type Name |
RPT_CURR | Report Currency | String | Expense Report Currency Code |
SSN | SSN | String | Employee Other id that is mapped to SSN field. |
TOTAL_AMOUNT | Total Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Report- Total Amount per line item that contains the attendees on the specific report. |
VENDOR_ID | Vendor ID | String | Vendor ID that is linked to the report that got requested |
VENDOR_NAME | Vendor Name | String | Vendor Name |
XP_CERT_STATUS | Certify Status | String | Certify Status by the user for the expense report. |
ATT_AMOUNT | Attendee Amount | Decimal | Attendee Allocated Amount |
ATT_COUNT | Number of Attendees | Integer | Number of Attendees per expense charge per report. |
PERCENTAGE | Percentage | Decimal | % allocated per attendee for a specific charge on the expense report. |
HDR_STATUS_NAME | Report Status | String | Expense report status: |
END_DATE | Report End Date | Date | Expense Report End Date |
TRAVEL_DATE | Travel Date | Date | Expense Charge charge or travel date. |
HDR_DT | Report DateTime Stamp | Datetime | Expense Report Header Datetime Stamp - Last Modified Datetime. |
LOCKLOCKED_DT | Locked Datetime Stamp | Datetime | Locked Datetime if the expense report is in Status: Open or Closed |
START_DATE | Report Starte Date | Date | Expense Report Start Date |