The validation options screen gives administrators various choices on how to deal with such issues as advance amounts, duplicate charges, invalid expense types, incomplete reports, invalid organizational attributes, and invalid WBS codes. Below is a description of these out of the box options.
Name | Validation Options |
Report contains advance request while other requests are still outstanding
Flag As: this option is primarily for the approvers and for reporting purposes | |
Report has invalid WBS | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): will prevent users from submitting a report if the WBS attributes are invalid. A WBS may become invalid if it is marked inactive, closed or no longer assigned to the Expense Type chosen. |
the WBS is invalid, but |
will not prevent |
submission. |
Report contains invalid expense type
Validation Warning: warns user that the Expense Type is no longer valid, but does not prevent the user from submitting the report.
Ignore: skips Expense Types validation.
WBS validation. |
Advance based on preauthorization not paid yet
Validation Error:
Validation Warning:
Custom Validation
Validation Error: triggers custom validation event.
Ignore: ignores the custom validation scripts
Report contains possible duplicate entries
Validation Error: prevents user from submitting a report with possible duplicate entries. Unless notes provided.
Validation Warning: warns the user and flag the line.
Ignore: skips any duplicate validation
High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line | ||
Report contains Future Charges (Non TA Reports) | If a non-Travel Authorization report includes an expense line item with a future date: Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): prevents user from submitting a report with a future dates charge | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Report has invalid OBS | Validation |
Failed (Notes Might be Required): will prevent users from releasing a report if their organization attributes have |
become inactive since they created the report. |
Users will have to delete the report and recreate a new one to reflect the new changes in their organizational attributes such as operating unit, department or location, etc. |
Report has invalid WBS
High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line | |
Report contains possible duplicate charges | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): prevents user from submitting a report with possible duplicate entries within the same report. Unless notes provided. |
Ignore: skips WBS validation.
and flags the line. Ignore: skips any duplicate validation This validation can be enabled to apply to all expense types, but specific expense types can be excluded from Exclude from Duplicate page | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line | |
Reimbursement Policy | Validation Failed: triggers validation against any expense policy created. | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Report contains modified lines different from preauthorized report | Validation Warning: |
Ignore: skips preauthorization validation
Reimbursement Policy
Validation Error: triggers validation against any expense policy created.
Ignore: skips expense policy validation.
WBS Policy
Validation Error: triggers validation against any expense WBS policy created.
Ignore: skips WBS policy validation.
flag an expense report if the an expense report is based on the pre-approved travel authorization and the expense lines are different than what was approved on the corresponding TA | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line | |
Report is Incomplete | During the validation process, if this option is set to Validation Failed the system will check the following details on the report being submitted for completeness:
Validation Failed: If any of the above details are missing or incomplete, the validation will fail. Ignore: Ignores the details above | |
WBS Policy | Validation Failed : triggers validation against any expense WBS policy created. | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Report contains possible duplicate across Approved reports | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): prevents user from submitting a report with possible duplicate entries across the current and other approved reports. Unless notes provided. Ignore: skips any duplicate validation This validation can be enabled to apply to all expense types, but specific expense types can be excluded from Exclude from Duplicate page | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Advance based on preauthorization not paid yet | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): Fails validation if a user tries to create an expense report based on an approved authorization report, but a cash advance payment was requested on that pre-authorization and that advance is not yet paid. | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Custom Validation | Validation Failed: triggers custom validation event, if any have been created on the customer database | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Report contains advance request while other requests are still outstanding | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required):prevents user from submitting a request for a cash advance while other requests are still pending. | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Trip and TA are not matching (This option is no longer used, it used to apply to the booking data vs TA) | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): prevents user from submitting a and expense report if the approved travel authorization and the expense report are not matching. Validation Warning: warns user that the TA and the report are not matching, but will not stop a user from submitting the report. Ignore: Skips the validation above | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |
Report contains possible duplicate charges with credit card transaction | Validation |
Failed (Notes Might be Required): prevents user from submitting a report with |
out of pocket reimbursable charges that are possible duplicates of unapplied credit card charges. Unless notes provided. Ignore: skips any duplicate validation | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line | |
Report contains invalid expense type | Validation Failed (Notes Might be Required): prevents user from submitting a report if any Expense Types are invalid. Expense Types may become invalid if they are marked inactive or are no longer assigned to the WBS chosen. | High Warning high importance validation flag will be attached to the flagged line Information Only attaches a validation for information purposes Low Warning low importance flag will be attached to the flagged line |